Sales Affirmation of the Day #fieldmarketgirl #merchandisingmondays #merchmonday #b2bleadgeneration #eventactivations #fieldmarketinglife #productawareness #relationshipbuilders #Territorymarketing #Localmarketing #regionalmarketing #territorysales #saleseducation
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Sales Affirmation of the Day #fieldmarketgirl #merchandisingmondays #merchmonday #b2bleadgeneration #eventactivations #fieldmarketinglife #productawareness #relationshipbuilders #Territorymarketing #Localmarketing #regionalmarketing #territorysales #saleseducation
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Sales Affirmation of the Day #fieldmarketgirl #merchandisingmondays #merchmonday #b2bleadgeneration #eventactivations #fieldmarketinglife #productawareness #relationshipbuilders #Territorymarketing #Localmarketing #regionalmarketing #territorysales #saleseducation
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This case study shows how a kitchen and bath surface manufacturer gained significant market share, sales and awareness of their brands and products by partnering with their distributors to influence and reward downstream customers. Read more: #LiftandShift #Distributors #salesdata #returnoninvestment #B2Bmarketingstrategy #casestudy #rewardsprogramcasestudy
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In case you missed last weeks' sales tip brought to you by our Director of Sales, Alex Anderson, he shared the importance of mapping out what it will take to hit your goals by understanding your key sales inputs. And this week, he has more to add with an example of a rep who targets golf retailers in Florida and using key sales inputs to understand the sales goals. This gives you a basic framework for what it will take to be successful. It will also highlight areas of opportunity to focus on that will have an outsize impact on your success that you can build intentionality around solving. For example, can I put a plan in place to increase re-order rates to 90%? What can I do to increase the average order value? How do I set more meetings? Etc. You will find minor improvements to your sales math that will lead to big revenue gains at the end of the year. Our team is here for you! Speak to our sales team to learn more about what RepSpark can do for you. #SalesTips #SalesStrategy #WholesaleRevenue #SalesRep #RepSpark #B2BBetter #B2BSales #B2BMarketplace
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One of tool to increase sales multi-folds is to increase breadth. We experienced it recently. At our office, we were Exploring data. We witnessed a state with decent potential of our products, competitors doing decent business, However, We we’re selling less. We had a list of all towns under the said geography. Each of these towns were mapped with potential. Our team also mapped this potential with outlets that sells these products. We clearly had a list of of unrepresented towns, All white spaces counters, where we had low depth. We also had another problem. The market did not have coverage by our sales representatives. Within no time, we did a front end loading. The markets were mapped with Sales people. The real footwork began now. Day & Night Sales Task Force was found active in the market. They were soon able to identify set of probable leads who could be possible distributors. Visits to then were planned. ROI discussion, Distribution evaluation process started. Finally the marriage happened along with a like minded prospect. Things didn’t end here. In our module we clearly drafted a launch process. As a part of the Launch Process, senior management of our organization visited the said market on a pre scheduled date. The ground work had already begun. The frontline team connected with all retailers (whether they were dealing with us or not.). Senior Management of our organization visited Top Retails of that market along with the Identified Distributor. This team took charge of inviting them to a venue for Launch of the Distributor. Rest of the team was in market inviting other retail for the same event. Now the Launch evening. 70-80% of the invitees were present in the Lauch of the new Distributor for the town. (All having properly defined geographies). The launch process went well. Within a week or ten days time, we were able to add a good number of retailers. The business started coming in. Now our presence was at 90% of the identified potential universe. Do you know one more thing? We just not only started getting sales from the new one, due to the said activity / process, the sales of other distributors substantially increased. Increasing breadth is one of the important tool to gain Market Share. #MarketShare #INDAGRUBBER #BreadthIncrease Indag Rubber Ltd Vijay Shrinivas Anil Bhardwaj ROHIT KAPOOR Simta Grover
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📉 It is so easy for December to become the month of 'Let's catch up in January' - meaning a whole month of sales is lost... but it doesn't have to be that way! 🎅🏼 Lots of tips in this great The Growth Hub article to ensure your selling successfully this festive season! #sales National Sales Conference | The Growth Hub
Tips for Successful Selling at Christmas - The Growth Hub
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Looking forward to more of these questions Lisa Thorson. Way to start this series of questions that brands are asking us.
Foodie Founder building Brands with a team Fractional Consultants for Operations, Sales, Deductions and Data through Digital Dashboard Platforms and AI
Questions Brands Ask What is the difference between a Merchandiser, Sales Manager and Broker? I got this question this week and felt it was a good one to share with the community. Everyone says the do everything but what are their core skills? Here's a recap of what each group does well. Merchandiser: - Visiting stores to take photos and verify correct product displays on shelves. - Setting up and executing promotions as planned. - Providing detailed in-store condition updates to the brand. - Managed by Brand Hugh Holman, I know your team is different so please feel free to add your insight here. Sales Manager: - Developing and organizing sales materials like sheets, pricing, and promotions. - Managing relationships with stores for product placement and promotion execution. - Identifying retail expansion opportunities aligned with brand strategy. - Offering clear direction and priorities for sales team success. - Manages Merchandisers and Brokers Broker: - Understanding key retailers' review schedules - Presenting products for retailer consideration - Utilizing buyer relationships for retail partnerships - Submits promotions on behalf of the brand It's crucial for brands to actively manage brokers to ensure tasks are not overlooked, especially when brokers handle multiple brands simultaneously. Ross Perkins, Victoria W. Hartman, Ashlee Bennett would be curious of your input on these topics as well! If you want to learn more, ask more or set up a meeting to discuss email me at
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This case study shows how a kitchen and bath surface manufacturer gained significant market share, sales and awareness of their brands and products by partnering with their distributors to influence and reward downstream customers. read more: #loyaltyprogram #rewardsprogram #manufacturerrewardsprogram #b2bloyaltyprogram #channelpartner #incentiveprograms #dataanalytics #dataanalysis #rewardstrategy #programmanagement #loyaltymarketing #liftandshift #channelmarketing #channelsales #channelstrategy #channelpartner #distributors #salesdata #returnoninvestment #roi #b2bmarketingstrategy #b2bdata #salesautomation #salesengagement #salesandmarketing #successfulB2Bloyaltyprograms #casestudy #rewardsprogramcasestudy
Building Sales with Downstream Customers | Lift & Shift
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Example of a bad short term sales strategy- I always preach to my team, focus on how we can help our store partners with our products for the long term. It's that simple. It's truly flattering when I find out much larger competitors are threatened by us. Several stores tipped us off, that a competitor is offering to buy our products off the shelf and provide the stores with free food for 3 months! I just want to take a moment and say thank you to this brand for acknowledging us that we are a strong competitor. We must be doing something really well that we have become your primary short term sales stratgey.
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As a manufacturer, you likely sit at the top of your sales channel. From up here, it can be challenging to see, let alone control, what’s happening with your wholesalers, retailers, and customers below. 👀 While this may be true for many manufacturers, you cannot let this affect your bottom line. As a manufacturer, which aspects of your sales channel are performing well, underperforming, or need strategic support? Many times, taking steps to incentivize various key players in your sales channel and your end customers can make all the difference when it comes to driving monthly, quarterly, or yearly sales. We’ve listed three steps to help you get going in the demand-building direction. Read our updated post about these steps in detail: #b2bRebates #SalesChannels #IncentiveInsights #BusinessGrowth #CustomerEngagement #MarketingStrategy
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