Saltburn And the scary lesson it teaches about business. Have you ever watched something that's given you chills? And you've spent the next few days processing it. Well, that was what Saltburn did for me. It tells the story of a middle-class student Oliver. Who is befriended by a wealthy student named Felix. The story builds as Oliver gets invited to Felix's family mansion. Saltburn. He meets the friends and family of Felix. And then the plot thickens. All kinds of crazy things start to happen. It gets dark. Fast. But… A clear theme runs through the film. Want. Desire. Envy Everyone in the film wants something. The only difference is how far they are prepared to go to get it. It made me think about business. Crazy, I know. Here are my thoughts: Business is about fulfilling a want. But. Do it ethically. There are so many opportunities to manipulate people. To trick them into buying. It's unethical. There is another way: When I think of selling, I often replace it with the word "helping." It's what you're doing. Helping someone get the outcome they want. It's about adding value. Not extracting it. So how do you do that? • Clarify the outcome clients want. • Simplify the value you add. • Live the values you profess. The result is you will be genuine when you help clients. Don't manipulate. Help. #sales #marketing #business #entrepreneurship #values
It reminds me of the two mindsets I talk about with businesses: are they inward and focused on what they want, or outward and focused on what others need and want? An inward mindset breeds bad behaviour - the kind you are talking about.
I haven't watched this show but the story you explained in the end is so true. Some people out there to manipulate the client and try their best to sell them a service or a product that is not the best fit for them... Just to earn some $$$. Jeez.
I'm too nervous to watch it 🤣
I seriously have no idea what this is about (I don't watch TV) but it sounds bizarre!
Garth Jemmett love this!
I watched the trailer and thought that it looked super dark and twisted... and it sounds like that's exactly what it is! I like the lens you applied though and you are spot on. When we view sales through a lens that aims for mutually agreeable outcomes, we are, indeed, helping people. Sometimes as sellers, we need to be willing to do or give more, to help our prospects and clients and with no hidden agenda.
Articulating your value in simple terms to drive growth | Founder We Explain Stuff
10moRyan Hall 👋 did you manage to watch it?