Generalist World 🌀 reposted this
XIR and Partner at Generalist World 🌀 | Host of Generally Curious Podcast | Your go-to for navigating work alignment | Speaker
Last night, I cried reading an email. A generalist in our community just landed a nearly $200K role that "didn't exist" three months ago. Not because she gained new skills. Not because she got another certification. But because she finally stopped apologizing for being "too scattered." I've spent years watching brilliant people play small because someone once told them to "pick a lane." The most heartbreaking part? They're leaving $100K+ on the table. Every. Single. Year. That's why we built Unboxed. It's not another course. It's permission to be brilliantly, unapologetically broad. (And get paid accordingly.) 👉 Join the Unboxed waitlist:
Yes 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 That part about “didn’t exist” resonated with me. All roles were made up at one point.
The right people will pay you accordingly. So don't sell your time and work under value.
When I started leaning into my true self a few months ago, I had two opportunities come my way that I never expected. One would be a big leap and would FINALLY allow me to play big instead of small. I’m still in the running for it, but even if I don’t get it, my eyes have been opened to the possibilities. No going back!
- permission to be brilliantly, unapologetically broad granted ✅
Incredible to hear! 🤩
Congrats on getting that awesome email, Lindsey Lerner!
I love "brilliantly, unapologetically broad". 💕 Thank you for your life, Lindsey Lerner! Always resonating with your posts.
Unforgettable team events and offsites in Germany ✨
1dLove Anthony Ware's point here - all the roles we have were new at some point. Why not be the one who creates the role you really want?