We are proud to sponsor Women in Mining Denver at their upcoming Gala on February 21. Read this thought-provoking article to learn what attendees will have access to. 💜
CEO & Founder Geologize Ltd | Helping geoscience sectors communicate powerfully, build trust, and achieve impact using neurologically proven methods. Champion for inclusion and neurodiversity.
🙏 I want to thank the women in mining who inspired me to write this and those who have reviewed it. This subject is close to my heart. Let's challenge society's prevailing attitudes toward male mental health. 💜 We'll save lives and create better working environments for all, especially women. It's not wishy-washy stuff. It's brain science, and it's the right thing to do. #MentalHealth #WorkplaceSafety #MiningIndustry #Equity #Leadership Peggy Bell, Lindsey Schultz, Brooke Bibeault Jessica Scanlan, Jessica Keast, Anne Thompson, Liv Carroll, Kelly Ward, Mckinsey Miller Lyon, Kenna O'Neill, Lucy Potter, Lucy Donald, Marina Baslina, Jane Isaacs, Lucy Crane, Hayley Mcgillivray, Beth Borody CDI.D, Julie Lucas, Michelle M. Lee, P.G.