Global Action Plan’s Post

Can you help us make the internet safer? If you’re a parent of an 11-16 year old who has been the target of an online scam - where someone has pretended to be who they're not in order to get your child to give them private information, or money, or get involved in a fake selling scheme - then we would love to talk to both you and your child. We will pay you £40 for your time in attending the session. We’re working to make the internet safer and we urgently need stories from young people and families who have been impacted by online scams, to understand the lasting emotional impact and to help us raise awareness and create change. Elements from the stories shared with us will be made anonymous and used by Global Action Plan and Global Action Plan’s campaign brand collaborators on Safer Internet Day as part of a press and social media campaign to highlight the impact of scams on young people. Complete this form to book a 30 minute Zoom call with a DBS-checked practitioner - to take place before 5th February - with you and your child. Please share this opportunity with your networks. ➡️

  • Can you help us make the internet safer for young people?

We need your stories.
Sarah Steed

Educator, facilitator, audience engager


Hey GAPSTERS, long time.... Message me about this privately. I have a contact who could be v useful for this initiative...

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