As a preschool show producer, you already have an understanding of the essential role that music plays to immerse young viewers into the story and creating an engaging experience for them. ⭐️ However, did you know that custom made music can provide even more benefits? 🙌🏼 Studies have shown that information that is presented in a musical form creates a higher engagement and longer term memory retention of information in young children. 👀 By creating tailor made music specially for your content you can help reinforce key messages, themes, learnings, concepts, and characters in the way of edutainment (educational entertainment).🎵 Custom music is also a key ingredient to set the mood and tone of your show, creating a more cohesive and immersive experience for young viewers. 📺 It is important to create music that can be shared and appreciated amongst kids and their parents and caregivers. 👨👧👦 If you're looking to take your preschool show to the next level, consider investing the right budget in tailor-made music. Your young viewers (and their guardian co-viewers) will thank you! 😊 At Global, we work with our family of emotion creators, who understand the needs of preschool audiences, to ensure that your music is not only engaging, but also age-appropriate, without writing or composing down to kids. 🚀 Get in touch with us to find out more! 🙌🏼 #musiccomposition #music #musicproduction #musicfortv
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Owner Global Music Branding & Go Crazy•Senior Media & Entertainment Executive•Content, Music & Live Events Expert•Brand & Franchise Builder•Creative Strategist•International Productions•50 LGBT+ Ally Executive Nominee
As a preschool show producer, you already have an understanding of the essential role that music plays to immerse young viewers into the story and creating an engaging experience for them. ⭐️ However, did you know that custom made music can provide even more benefits? 🙌🏼 Studies have shown that information that is presented in a musical form creates a higher engagement and longer term memory retention of information in young children. 👀 By creating tailor made music specially for your content you can help reinforce key messages, themes, learnings, concepts, and characters in the way of edutainment (educational entertainment).🎵 Custom music is also a key ingredient to set the mood and tone of your show, creating a more cohesive and immersive experience for young viewers. 📺 It is important to create music that can be shared and appreciated amongst kids and their parents and caregivers. 👨👧👦 If you're looking to take your preschool show to the next level, consider investing the right budget in tailor-made music. Your young viewers (and their guardian co-viewers) will thank you! 😊 At Global Music Branding, we work with our family of emotion creators, who understand the needs of preschool audiences, to ensure that your music is not only engaging, but also age-appropriate, without writing or composing down to kids. 🚀 Get in touch with us to find out more! 🙌🏼 #musiccomposition #music #musicproduction #musicfortv
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As a preschool show producer, you already have an understanding of the essential role that music plays to immerse young viewers into the story and creating an engaging experience for them. ⭐️ However, did you know that custom made music can provide even more benefits? 🙌🏼 Studies have shown that information that is presented in a musical form creates a higher engagement and longer term memory retention of information in young children. 👀 By creating tailor made music specially for your content you can help reinforce key messages, themes, learnings, concepts, and characters in the way of edutainment (educational entertainment).🎵 Custom music is also a key ingredient to set the mood and tone of your show, creating a more cohesive and immersive experience for young viewers. 📺 At Global, we work with our family of award-winning and nominated composers and producers, who understand the needs of preschool audiences, to ensure that your music is not only engaging, but also age-appropriate, without writing or composing down to kids. 🚀 It is important to create music that can be shared and appreciated amongst kids and their parents and caregivers. 👨👧👦 If you're looking to take your preschool show to the next level, consider investing the right budget in tailor-made music. Your young viewers (and their guardian co-viewers) will thank you! 😊 #musiccomposition #music #musicproduction #musicfortv
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Owner Global Music Branding & Go Crazy•Senior Media & Entertainment Executive•Content, Music & Live Events Expert•Brand & Franchise Builder•Creative Strategist•International Productions•50 LGBT+ Ally Executive Nominee
As a preschool show producer, you already have an understanding of the essential role that music plays to immerse young viewers into the story and creating an engaging experience for them. ⭐️ However, did you know that custom made music can provide even more benefits? 🙌🏼 Studies have shown that information that is presented in a musical form creates a higher engagement and longer term memory retention of information in young children. 👀 By creating tailor made music specially for your content you can help reinforce key messages, themes, learnings, concepts, and characters in the way of edutainment (educational entertainment).🎵 Custom music is also a key ingredient to set the mood and tone of your show, creating a more cohesive and immersive experience for young viewers. 📺 At Global Music Branding, we work with our family of award-winning and nominated composers and producers, who understand the needs of preschool audiences, to ensure that your music is not only engaging, but also age-appropriate, without writing or composing down to kids. 🚀 It is important to create music that can be shared and appreciated amongst kids and their parents and caregivers. 👨👧👦 If you're looking to take your preschool show to the next level, consider investing the right budget in tailor-made music. Your young viewers (and their guardian co-viewers) will thank you! 😊 #musiccomposition #music #musicproduction #musicfortv
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Our biggest challenge and focus is encouraging and supporting upper end primary schools (Year 5 & 6) to use music technology to provide their students with the autonomy to be expressive and creative in their own way. Also, to prepare them for high school where the music learning focus is different. This primary school in South London are a fine example of embracing and implementing music tech. They have introduced OGenPlus via a song writing project this term. They do this every year. They will use the lessons to teach music concepts later in the year in preparation for these Year 6 students going to high school. In the interim the students have access to creating music in their own time. EVERY child performed a song they wrote in collaboration. It is a 3-form entry school. The Year 6 teachers (non-music specialists) worked with them on the lyrics, they then either adapted the OGenPlus 'Project Starters', developed loops or made up their own music. I would have loved to show you a sample of a few performances but obviously due to privacy/safe guarding I've just videoed their music from their chrome books. A year 6 teacher, Jo Bolton, eloquently explains the rationale, the impact and why the need to use technology for this age group. Part of the MusicFirst family #studentengagement #musiceducation #musicteacher #education #educationmatters #middleschool #highschool #musicedu #musicmatters #musiclessons #musicschool #music #21stcenturylearning #elementaryteacher #elementaryeducation #primaryschool #musictechnology
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How Music Production Nurtures Emotional and Social Intelligence in Teens We often focus on academic achievements, but developing Emotional and Social Intelligence (EmoSo) is equally vital for teens. One surprising avenue to cultivate these skills is music production. Emotional Intelligence: Through creating music, teens and young children uniquely explore their inner world. Writing a song, crafting a melody, or producing a beat allows them to process emotions like joy, frustration, or sadness. This enhances their emotional self-awareness and helps them regulate these emotions in real life. Social Intelligence: Music is inherently collaborative. Whether it’s co-producing a track or brainstorming ideas with peers, teens practice active listening, empathy, and compromise. They learn how to navigate group dynamics, which improves their ability to build and maintain strong social connections. When teens engage in creative activities like music production, they’re not just making art – they’re building the emotional and social frameworks that are essential for a balanced, successful life. TUDC is running a workshop aimed at doing just this for 11 - 14 year olds on 12 October 2024. Its FREE! To find out more follow the link: #EmotionalGrowth #SocialDevelopment #MusicProduction #YouthDevelopment #EMoSO #CreativeTeens #EmpathyInAction #LifeSkillsThroughMusic
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Teachers everywhere are striving to create inclusive classrooms where every student can thrive, but the system we’re in often makes that a challenge. Outdated resources, limited training, and a one-size-fits-all approach can leave even the most dedicated educators feeling like they don’t have the tools to truly support all their students. That’s where we come in. ➡️ Sticking to the status quo may feel safe, but it's holding teachers and students back from creating truly inclusive and engaging classrooms. We’re challenging this by offering practical, easy-to-implement strategies that prioritize accessibility and differentiation for every learner. ➡️ The world has changed, yet many music classrooms haven’t kept up. At That Music Teacher, we’re modernizing music education by equipping teachers with the tools they need to break down barriers and foster meaningful, accessible learning experiences for all students. ➡️ We’re flipping the script on traditional music education. Instead of a one-size-fits-all model, we’re empowering teachers with flexible, student-centered approaches that reflect the diverse needs of today’s classrooms. If you’re ready to create a more inclusive music classroom but need actionable resources to get started, download our free Music Without Barriers Ebook at It’s packed with strategies to help you support students with disabilities and create a classroom where every student feels seen and heard. Let’s make music education accessible for all! #edtech #education #musicteacher #inclusiveteaching #teacherpreneur #accessibility #disabilityinclusion #visibilitychallenge #universaldesign
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Starting is easy, but continuing can be challenging. Many children stop studying music around the ages of 11-13. In most cases, children give up when their parents give up as well. I understand that what I'm about to say may not be well-received by everyone. Our lives are influenced by our subconscious minds. In psychology, there is a concept called "hidden benefits" - these are the unconscious advantages we gain from different situations. For example, when it comes to illness, hidden benefits could include increased attention, rest, and others catering to our needs. Schoolchildren even get a break from attending school - what could be better? Of course, no one consciously wants to get sick, but sometimes, when we desire these benefits, our subconscious mind looks for ways to obtain them. Hidden benefits can exist in various aspects of our lives. When parents give up and allow their child to quit studying music, there are hidden benefits for everyone involved. The child no longer has to put in effort and study, and they could use that time to play games on their phone instead (imagine if the same opportunity was given for quitting math lessons - how many children would take advantage of it?). Parents don't have to pay for music lessons or go through the trouble of getting their children to lessons, which requires effort and time. When I was studying at a music school, I would take public transport to my lessons. If my parents had to drive me, I'm not sure if I would have been able to continue. My dad didn't mind when, at the age of 11, I expressed my desire to quit music school. It would save the family money, and I would have more time to take on adult responsibilities like cleaning the house and cooking. Of course, no one openly discussed these hidden benefits, but I'm describing them to shed light on the situation. Being a parent is not easy, and my intention with this post is not to criticize anyone's decisions. Instead, I encourage honesty with oneself and finding ways to resolve issues in a healthy manner. I will never stop expressing my gratitude towards my mother for not allowing me to quit music school. She set goals for me and removed any expectations. Music has become my passion, and I happily share it with others. P.S. The photo shows a music school, where for 7 years I went for lessons 3 times, sometimes 4 times a week. #musiceducation #hiddenbenefits #nevergiveup #passionformusic
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Teaching grit is just as important as teaching anything. Knowing when you must help a child fight through the tough stuff is a valuable lesson.
Starting is easy, but continuing can be challenging. Many children stop studying music around the ages of 11-13. In most cases, children give up when their parents give up as well. I understand that what I'm about to say may not be well-received by everyone. Our lives are influenced by our subconscious minds. In psychology, there is a concept called "hidden benefits" - these are the unconscious advantages we gain from different situations. For example, when it comes to illness, hidden benefits could include increased attention, rest, and others catering to our needs. Schoolchildren even get a break from attending school - what could be better? Of course, no one consciously wants to get sick, but sometimes, when we desire these benefits, our subconscious mind looks for ways to obtain them. Hidden benefits can exist in various aspects of our lives. When parents give up and allow their child to quit studying music, there are hidden benefits for everyone involved. The child no longer has to put in effort and study, and they could use that time to play games on their phone instead (imagine if the same opportunity was given for quitting math lessons - how many children would take advantage of it?). Parents don't have to pay for music lessons or go through the trouble of getting their children to lessons, which requires effort and time. When I was studying at a music school, I would take public transport to my lessons. If my parents had to drive me, I'm not sure if I would have been able to continue. My dad didn't mind when, at the age of 11, I expressed my desire to quit music school. It would save the family money, and I would have more time to take on adult responsibilities like cleaning the house and cooking. Of course, no one openly discussed these hidden benefits, but I'm describing them to shed light on the situation. Being a parent is not easy, and my intention with this post is not to criticize anyone's decisions. Instead, I encourage honesty with oneself and finding ways to resolve issues in a healthy manner. I will never stop expressing my gratitude towards my mother for not allowing me to quit music school. She set goals for me and removed any expectations. Music has become my passion, and I happily share it with others. P.S. The photo shows a music school, where for 7 years I went for lessons 3 times, sometimes 4 times a week. #musiceducation #hiddenbenefits #nevergiveup #passionformusic
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🎶 The Role of Music Educators in Building a Practice Routine🎶 As music educators, we often work closely with both students and parents, guiding young musicians on their journey. But when it comes to developing a consistent practice routine, it’s essential to remember that this responsibility doesn’t lie solely with the parents. A teacher’s role is just as much about nurturing discipline as it is about teaching technique. We can’t simply shift the burden to parents and expect results. It’s our job to make practice engaging and rewarding. ✨ Here are a few strategies we can implement: 1️⃣ Design Interesting Routines: Instead of monotonous drills, chart out practice sessions that balance scales, songs, and new techniques. This keeps students motivated and engaged. 2️⃣ Set Tangible Goals: Break down larger goals into weekly or daily objectives, allowing students to see progress in real time. 3️⃣ Reward Consistency: For young learners, visual rewards like glitter stars or stickers can be a huge motivator. Acknowledge and celebrate each practice session, no matter how small. 4️⃣ Incorporate Fun Elements: Try mixing in musical games, or allowing the student to play their favorite piece at the end of a session, as a fun incentive. 5️⃣ Lead by Example: Demonstrate the joy of practice and share your personal practice stories. Show them how you refine your own skills—this builds trust and inspiration. Ultimately, building a practice routine is a shared effort between teacher, student, and parent. By creating a fun, structured, and rewarding environment, we set our students up for a lifetime of musical growth! 🎻🎹🎸 #MusicEducation #PracticeRoutine #TeachingTips #MusicInspiration #StudentGrowth
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🎶 Did you know that music education plays a crucial role in child development? Not only does it boost cognitive skills and emotional growth, but it also helps kids learn teamwork. From enhancing memory and attention to fostering language development and confidence, the benefits are endless! Let's continue to support music education for our little ones. 🎵 #MusicEducation #ChildDevelopment 🎹
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