The Pineapples 2025 shortlist has been announced and Forest Road is in the running for an award in the Building category 🍍✨The Pineapple for Building seeks to recognise a completed building that makes a positive contribution to the wider place and its people. Forest Road provides 90 affordable one-bedroom homes for local first-time buyers in Walthamstow. The building achieves a high density of affordable housing within a predominantly low-rise context, with sensitivity to neighbouring terraced housing. The triangular site has contrasting contexts, with two-storey Victorian terraces lining streets on two sides and the arterial Forest Road as its main frontage. The scheme considers not only its occupants, but sensitively negotiates these differing characters with a sculpted massing that steps up from three to five storeys on Forest Road, reinstating active frontages that were part of the historic urban grain. 📷: Jack Hobhouse Client: Pocket Living #architectureawards #thepineapples
Gort Scott, receiving recognition at The Pineapples shows the incredible impact your work has in the architectural community. Well deserved!
CDO at Pocket Living; NED at Broadway Living RP
1wFingers crossed! 🤞