VP of Land & Partner 🏡 (Hart Homes) / Lot Acquisition & Land Development 🚜 (Hart Development Co., a Hart Homes Company)
Any developers or builders have communities that are moving slower than anticipated? If you’re open to either liquidateing some positions or improving sales velocity, let’s talk. Seeking lot opportunities either in Waller, Montgomery or Chambers County área. Lot positions as small as 15 and as large as 100 (with takedowns or entitled lots) are welcomed. I’m also open to paper lots that are shovel ready in those areas or inside the 610 loop. Dm me 🕺🏽📩 #houstonrealestateinfluencers #houstonrealestate #realestatedevelopment #monetteproperties #buildtorent #CRE #realestateinvestors #realestateinvestment #realestatedevelopment #realestatehouston #movetohouston #htown #houstontx #houstonrealestate #houstonrealtor
Real Estate Investor/ Developer
2moGregory where do you need to be at on paper lots?