I am pleased with the commitment to developing this technology.
I personally believe that investing in innovation and development of this type of hydropneumatic suspension (not to forget that this must be indisputably linked to the development of an automatic chain control and tensioning system) is absolutely necessary.
It is true that torsion bar suspension is a simple (but not an easy) solution, widely used by many military vehicles throughout history which, when it is properly dimensioned, offers a cost-effectiveness ratio that is difficult to improve.
However, the capabilities and possibilities, in terms of mobility performance and vehicle weight savings, that this type of hydropneumatic suspension opens up (thinking also in including the use of an advanced electronic suspension controller), are innumerable and can be a game changer for the vehicles and their performance in difficult conditions.
It is necessary to carry out in-depth analyses of performance, production costs, life cycle, reliability, failure analysis, etc… But we must certainly have this technology on our radar in order to evaluate its use in a prototype in the short term.
🚨 ¡Piedrafita te espera en el Foro 2E+I! 🚨
Nos enorgullece participar como patrocinadores plata en la VII edición del Foro 2E+I, un evento clave que tendrá lugar los días 2 y 3 de octubre en Toledo. Este patrocinio refleja nuestro firme compromiso con la innovación y nuestra alineación con los objetivos del Foro, impulsando el futuro del sector de la defensa a través de la tecnología y la colaboración.
👀 En nuestro stand, presentaremos el SRB (Suspensión Rotativa para vehículos Blindados), una solución que optimiza la movilidad, mejora la protección frente a condiciones extremas y reduce el mantenimiento del vehículo.
Este sistema, que combina un amortiguador rotativo y un muelle neumático en una solución hidroneumática avanzada, se adapta fácilmente a una amplia variedad de vehículos blindados existentes (MBT, IFV, ATV, SPH), sin necesidad de modificaciones importantes.
▶️ Descubre más en nuestro vídeo.
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