⚖ Another great read highlighting how "weight loss has always been a fraught topic, especially complex to talk about in 2024". These days, due to anti-obesity medications, the topic of weight loss is all over the news and social media—and as Jamie Ducharme writes for TIME, "Nobody, it seems, knows exactly how to feel or talk about it"!
🧠 There are so many interesting, and NUANCED angles to this, I like how they highlight that there is so much “shame and blame and stigma that society perpetuates around obesity,” & “lots of clinicians feel very undertrained in talking about obesity.” which gets to our efforts at Stop Weight Bias and increase awareness and education about obesity as a chronic disease with our health care providers!
😘 Nice quotes from Rachel Goldman, Ph.D., FTOS about the visibility of weight which makes things tricky...
❌ One thing, I will add to the list to change is our language around people saying they want to "LOSE WEIGHT, THE OLD FASHIONED WAY"... rather than "cheating" with meds or surgery.
➕ There is so much work to change the way we are talking about this chronic disease, but we need to reframe the discussion around GAIN in HEALTH rather than LOSS of WEIGHT for it to stick, #IMHO....