Do you dream of ranking in the Top 100 Spotify Podcast Charts? What does your cover art look like? I analyzed the top 100 podcaster's cover art, and here are my top 3 takeaways podcasters should implement. 1. Make your title legible. 88% of cover art uses ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. 43% of cover art uses white as their font color. 79% of cover art uses a sans-serif font. 2. Make your cover art personal by adding a photo of yourself. This helps listeners envision whom they're listening to, and it helps you to build your personal brand. 46% of cover art includes a photo of themselves The most popular special effect: desaturated photo 3. Use 3 colors max in your art. This is practicing good design. The most popular background color: Black The most popular color combo: Black, White, and Red Watch PodUp's Founder and CEO Nathan Gwilliam and me as we show examples and discuss my analysis of the top 100 podcast cover art more in-depth on Podcasting Secrets (by PodUp).
The Art of Attention-Grabbing Podcast Cover Art Design
Hayley you do such good work, I love to see you doing so well
PodUp CEO. The ultimate podcasting platform with software and services to create, grow and monetize next-level podcasts. #podup #podcasting
7moGreat episode Hayley. Thanks for adding so much value in this episode.