Heroic +1: Walk After You Eat! - To Optimize Your Energy (#1,879)
Today's +1 features wisdom from Casey Means, MD.
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Hi, this is Brian. Welcome back to another heroic plus one and the last plus one. We talked about my new obsession with getting three to four hours of Zone 2 training per week, up from my prior one hour to meet my new Peter Attia approved target so I can increase both my lifespan, AKA how long we live and my health span, AKA how long we feel. Great note we want to push both our health span and our lifespan as far out as possible. No need to live longer and have the last X years slash decades of our lives kind of suck because we're not healthy right now. I promised I'd tell you why I am prioritizing a walk after a meal. I got that idea from Doctor Casey Means and her great book Good Energy. Doctor Means is a Stanford trained MD who grew disillusioned with the traditional medical approach of treating symptoms of chronic diseases rather than solving the systemic issues that caused. The chronic diseases and led to those symptoms. So she stepped back, rearchitected her approach and shares her wisdom via her practice, new book and other projects. Now the main thesis of her work. Well, her book is called Good Energy. She tells us that good energy is a sign of good health. The short story Good energy is created via healthy mitochondria, which are created via healthy lifestyle choices, essentially dominating. Our basic fundamentals of eating, moving, sleeping, et cetera. Now one of the main things we wanna make sure we optimize so we can have heroic energy is our basic metabolism. Now one of the measures of whether or not our metabolism is functioning well is our glucose and insulin levels. We want to make sure this is dialed in, which is why Doctor Means also created an app called Levels that integrates with a continuous glucose monitor. I was wearing until not too recently and helps you track which foods work for you and which don't by measuring your glucose before, during and after meals to track their effects. Now I signed up for the app and got a glucose monitor for the first time. In really enjoyed seeing the data and one of the micro pro tips Casey shares is that it's wise to go for a walk or do a mini workout after a meal with carbs. Why? It helps your body put that glucose. To work and get it out of your circulatory system where chronic excess levels can lead to chronic health issues. So that's why I've been going for a quick walk after most of my meals. It's also why I hammered a sunrise workout the morning after that night. I deliberately went off the rails a bit with a sugar bomb dessert. And that's today's plus one. How is your energy and what's one thing you know you could do to take it to the next level? And what's one thing you know you could stop doing to take it to the next level? Get on that today.