We The People (WTP), a non-profit organization located in Dallas, Texas, serves the underprivileged communities by providing resources, information, and assistance in the areas of Human Services, Education, Career, and Health.
WTP strives to advise our clients during their academic, personal, and career growth, in addition to providing guidance and enlightenment through other various life and health challenges. As we maintain essential programs, WTP continues to establish pertinent connections and partnerships within the community.
WTP believes knowledge is power…and for the lack of it – our people are destroyed! Proverbs 24:5 advises: “The wise prevail through great power, and those who have knowledge muster their strength…and victory is won through many advisers.” Utilizing a holistic approach, we are a resource in helping our communities make everyday decisions by being the connectors that link problems to viable solutions. In short, Helping People Help Themselves.
Hft- Living the best life possible