HollyNorth Production Supplies Ltd.’s Post

Adding special effects to any outdoor event production is a key - they transform the entire experience! 🤘 Let us know what you're working on, we can help you to create anything from bubbles, fog, haze, flame and more with our special effects machine rentals! Our rental services are available for cities in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia! 📍 #specialeffects #sfx #eventeffects #outdoorevent #eventproduction #eventplanning #britishcolumbia #vancouverevent #burnabybc

  • We can help you create bubbles with our bubble machine rentals!
  • We can help you create fog effects with our fog machine rentals!
  • We can help you create haze effects with our haze machine rentals!
  • We can help you create flame effects with our flame machine rentals!
  • We can help you create snow effects with our snow machine rentals!

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