IAG’s Post

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We are pleased to be a participant in the UN’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI) Working Group for Nature and a contributor to the recently launched paper, ‘Insuring a Resilient Nature-Positive Future: Global Guide for Insurers on Setting Priority Actions for Nature’. The paper provides global guidance to the insurance industry on priority actions to contribute to the goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework and assists insurers in addressing nature-related issues in underwriting portfolios. As the only Australian based insurer represented on the group, we have been able to provide localised insights and perspective on the consideration of nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks, and opportunities across the insurance value chain. To find out more, please see: Insuring a resilient nature-positive future: https://bit.ly/3VOG4D8 #SustainableInsurance, #insurancefornaturepositive United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)

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