Software Quality Assurance Engineer | Web & Mobile Testing | ERP | E-commerce | Automation - Manual Tester
In the world of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) projects, completing each sprint poses a significant challenge for quality teams. These massive projects require immense effort to ensure system stability and effective performance. Among the primary challenges faced by quality teams is the tight timeframe allocated for testing, especially when testing is confined to basic scenario testing only. Here, the team must carefully prioritize and ensure testing of vital points that may greatly impact system performance. The complexity increases when tasks are designed to work programmatically for long periods, with little time available for testing. In this context, innovative and effective testing strategies are needed to identify potential errors early and rectify them. It is worth noting that when the development team enjoys the luxury of time and resources, the quality teams must also enjoy the same luxury. Investing in testing operations and providing adequate resources is not just an addition to the final stage of the development process, but a direct investment in the quality of the end product. Despite the importance of regression testing, it may not always be possible to conduct it as required due to time and resource constraints. In such cases, precise analysis and identifying critical testing points become necessary to deliver a stable and scalable ERP system. In summary, understanding the full impact of changes and designing effective testing strategies are fundamental to ensuring the quality and success of ERP projects. #SoftwareQualityAssurance #ERP #TestingChallenges #ResourceBalance