Jon Lapington, Professor of Space Physics and Head of the High-Speed Imaging Group at the University of Leicester, and Paula Chadwick, Professor of Astrophysics and Head of the Physics Department at Durham University, discuss the UK’s role in very-high-energy gamma-ray science and the prospects for future leadership. 🔗 #science #astrophysics
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Very-high-energy astrophysics studies the most energetic photons in the sky, allowing the exploration of violent and extreme non-thermal phenomena in the Universe. Significant advances in knowledge have been made in this field using ground-based imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs) as detectors, to study these physical processes in the Universe. This book reviews the progress in the field since the advent of the second generation IACTs around 2004. Going through the scientific highlights obtained by the three current instruments of this kind, H.E.S.S., MAGIC and VERITAS, operating now for more than 15 years, this book presents a state-of-the-art knowledge in four areas of modern astrophysics and cosmology, namely the origin of the cosmic rays, the physics of compact objects and their resulting relativistic outflows, gamma-ray cosmology, and the search for dark matter. Along with a detailed review of the outstanding scientific outcomes, a summary of the key technological developments that yielded the recognized success of the technique is also provided. This book edited by 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐦𝐢 𝐌𝐮𝐤𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐣𝐞𝐞 (Columbia University, USA) and 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚 𝐙𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧 (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Germany) is written for early-career academics in the fields of astrophysics, high energy physics and cosmology. At the same time, it can serve as a source of reference for the expert in the field. Quote WH24 for 25% OFF! Read the excellent sample chapter below: Chapter 1: Introduction to Gamma-Ray Astronomy: More about the book: #astronomy #cosmology #astrophysics #cosmicgammarays #darkmatter #highenergyastrophysics #cherenkovdetectors #particleastrophysics
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Expanding astroparticle physics knowledge at the University of Leicester The School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Leicester combines world-class astrophysics research with an environment of excellence in physics teaching and learning. Building on more than half a century of cutting-edge research and strong links with industry and international partners, Leicester’s diverse scientific community is probing the furthest depths of our Universe with astrophysics research. The department leads the robotic exploration of the worlds of our Solar System and teaches us about the fragile climate of our home planet. These include: ▶️ Astrophysics ▶️ Space projects ▶️ Astroparticle physics ▶️ Planetary science ▶️ Earth observation Jon Lapington Professor of Space Physics University of Leicester Find out more here ⤵️ #space #earthobservation #astrophysics #research #innovation
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When neutron stars collide, hot neutrinos — tiny, essentially massless particles that rarely interact with other matter — are created. New simulations done by #PennState physicists show that these particles can be briefly trapped and out of equilibrium with the cold cores of the merging stars for two to three milliseconds. This research lends new insight into the physics of these powerful events. “These extreme events stretch the bounds of our understanding of physics and studying them allows us to learn new things,” said David Radice, assistant professor of physics and of astronomy and astrophysics. Read more about this research at #PennStatePhysics #PennStateAstro
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I am thrilled to share that I have been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society —an incredible milestone in my journey as a PhD researcher. Today, I’m attending *Exploring the Low-Surface-Brightness Universe with Next-Generation Instruments* at the Geological Society, Burlington House, London. As someone deeply invested in understanding how faint and elusive structures like low-mass galaxies, tidal features, and diffuse light contribute to the broader cosmic story, this event resonates deeply with my research interests. With instruments like the Rubin Observatory, Euclid, and JWST redefining the boundaries of what we can observe, the low-surface-brightness regime holds the key to understanding galaxy formation and hierarchical mass assembly. As a researcher investigating the impact of satellite constellations on astronomical observations, I’m particularly excited about the discussions around data challenges and innovative approaches like machine learning and simulations to maximize the potential of these datasets. It’s inspiring to connect with a community of brilliant minds committed to unraveling the faintest mysteries of the universe. Here’s to pushing the frontiers of astrophysics together! #RoyalAstronomicalSociety #Astrophysics #LowSurfaceBrightnessGalaxies #NextGenerationInstruments #PhDResearch
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On This Day in History: August 17 Today, we remember a pivotal moment from the past: On August 17, 1978, the first successful test of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) was conducted. This groundbreaking experiment paved the way for the detection of gravitational waves, confirming a major prediction of Einstein's theory of general relativity and opening new frontiers in astrophysics. 🌌 Key Takeaways: Innovation: LIGO’s success highlights the power of scientific innovation and perseverance. Collaboration: It underscores the importance of teamwork and interdisciplinary collaboration. Inspiration: It serves as a reminder that major breakthroughs often result from years of dedication and hard work. As we reflect on this achievement, let it inspire us to push the boundaries in our own fields and strive for excellence. #History #Innovation #Science #GravitationalWaves #LIGO #OnThisDay
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Dan Hooper's Particle Cosmology and Astrophysics is a graduate-level introduction to the interface between particle #physics, #astrophysics, and #cosmology. Without assuming a strong background in particle physics or quantum field theory, the text is designed to be accessible to readers from a range of backgrounds and presents both fundamentals and modern topics in a modular style that allows for flexible use and easy reference. It offers coverage of general relativity and the Friedmann equations, early universe thermodynamics, recombination and the cosmic microwave background, Big Bang nucleosynthesis, the origin and detection of dark matter, the formation of large-scale structure, baryogenesis and leptogenesis, inflation, dark energy, cosmic rays, neutrino and gamma-ray astrophysics, supersymmetry, Grand Unified Theories, sterile neutrinos, and axions. The book also includes numerous worked examples and homework problems, many with solutions. Particle Cosmology and Astrophysics provides readers with an invaluable entrée to this cross-disciplinary area of research and discovery. • Accessible to advanced undergraduate to graduate students, as well as researchers in cosmology, high-energy astrophysics, and particle physics • Does not assume a strong background in particle physics or quantum field theory and contains two chapters specifically for readers with no background in particle physics • Broad scope, covering many topics across particle physics, astrophysics, and particle cosmology • Modular presentation for easy reference and flexible use • Provides more than 200 homework problems, many with solutions • Ideal for course use or self-study and reference Now available, learn more today:
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📃Scientific paper: The discovery space of ELT-ANDES. Stars and stellar populations Abstract: The ArmazoNes high Dispersion Echelle Spectrograph (ANDES) is the optical and near-infrared high-resolution echelle spectrograph envisioned for the European Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). We present a selection of science cases, supported by new calculations and simulations, where ANDES could enable major advances in the fields of stars and stellar populations. We focus on three key areas, including the physics of stellar atmospheres, structure, and evolution; stars of the Milky Way, Local Group, and beyond; and the star-planet connection. The key features of ANDES are its wide wavelength coverage at high spectral resolution and its access to the large collecting area of the ELT. These features position ANDES to address the most compelling and potentially transformative science questions in stellar astrophysics of the decades ahead, including questions which cannot be anticipated today. ;Comment: 46 pages, 8 figures; submitted to Experimental Astronomy on behalf of the ANDES Science Team Continued on ES/IODE ➡️ ------- If you find this interesting, feel free to follow, comment and share. We need your help to enhance our visibility, so that our platform continues to serve you.
The discovery space of ELT-ANDES. Stars and stellar populations
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Dr. Salam Ismail Hamid from the Department of Medical Physics published a paper in Astronomy and Astrophysics (impact factor 6.24) on spin-orbit alignment in low-mass binary systems, with collaborators from Irish universities and the Vatican Observatory.
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Ripples in Space-Time: The Discovery and Impact of Gravitational Waves 🌌 1. What Are Gravitational Waves? 🌠 🔸️ - Ripples in space-time caused by massive accelerating objects, predicted by Einstein in 1915. 📜 2. How Do They Form? 🌌 🔸️ - Created during events like merging black holes, neutron star collisions, or supernovae. 🌟 3. Discovery 🌌 🔸️ - First detected on September 14, 2015, by LIGO. Confirmed by observing waves from merging black holes. 🌌 4. Significance 🏆 🔸️ - Provided direct evidence for Einstein’s theory and opened the field of gravitational wave astronomy. 🔭 5. Detection 🔬 🔸️ - LIGO and Virgo use laser interferometry to measure tiny changes caused by passing waves. 🌠 6. Types of Sources 🌟 🔸️ - Binary black hole mergers, neutron star mergers, and supernovae. 🌌 7. Impact on Astronomy 🌌 🔸️ - Enables study of black holes, neutron stars, and gravity under extreme conditions. 🌠 8. Multi-Messenger Astronomy 🪐 🔸️ - Combining gravitational wave data with electromagnetic observations for comprehensive insights. 🌌 9. Future Research 🚀 🔸️ - Enhanced detection with projects like the Einstein Telescope and LISA. 🌌 10. Cultural Impact 🌟 🔸️ - Nobel Prize in Physics 2017 awarded for contributions to LIGO and gravitational wave observation. 🏅 Conclusion 🌌 🔸️ - Gravitational waves revolutionize our understanding of the universe, inspiring ongoing exploration. 🚀 #GravitationalWaves #SpaceTimeRipples #LIGO #Einstein #Astrophysics #CosmicEvents #NeutronStars #BlackHoles #SpaceExploration #ScientificDiscovery #GravitationalWaveAstronomy #CosmicRipples #AstroPhysics #SpaceScience #MultiMessengerAstronomy #FutureOfSpace
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