50% of adaptability is within your control. 🔄 Even if you're resistant to change, with the right coach, you can work on adaptability skills like: ▪ Grit ▪ Mental Flexibility ▪ Growth Mindset ▪ Swipe for more ➡️ What adaptability skill have you found most valuable in your leadership journey?
When I think that I can't, or I shouldn't I ask myself "Is that really true?" followed by "What else could be true?". This enables me to view the situation from a different angle, which allows me to adapt and alter my course. Really interested in hearing other peoples tips 🧠 .
I agree that adaptability can be learned when given the proper tools and frameworks.
Discover more of George Bragadireanu, MCC's insights on coaching through change. → https://coachi.ng/4aGAXes