IQube reposted this
Founder & CEO IQube. Chairman of Zertia / Artificial Intelligence / YPO member / MBA / MSF / PhD in progress / Board Member
🚀 Pivotal Moment for IQube: Building the Future Today marks a significant milestone in our journey at IQube We are entering a transformative phase that will set the foundation for our growth and success in the coming years. This process is driven by three key components: 👉Seed Funding Round: I am excited to kick off a roadshow in the USA, starting from Stanford, that will take me to San Francisco, New York, Boston, Miami, as well as Mexico City, London, São Paulo, and Madrid. This €7 million seed funding round is crucial as we focus on the three pillars of our strategy: people, product, and customers. Over the next 12 months, this investment will empower us to bring our vision to life with renewed energy and precision. 👉Zertia Launch: We are excited to announce that Zertia is set to launch, following the successful completion of the first step in obtaining regulatory approval in the United States. We will launch our initial regulatory training contents in late September and the initial AI model audits in October. Incredible journey ahead. 👉Neosmart Stabilization: At Neosmart our focus is on growth and stability. We are working to expand our customer base reaching 5k daily users in the coming weeks, develop new educational products, strengthen partnerships, and elevate our brand to new heights. This is just the beginning, and I am incredibly proud of what our team has accomplished so far. The road ahead is challenging, but with the right people and resources, we are poised to make a lasting impact. Thank you to everyone who has supported us on this journey—let's keep pushing forward together! #entrepreneurship #investment #AI #innovation #leadership
It's thrilling to be part of this pivotal moment for IQube! It's a privilege to work with such a committed and visionary team. I am confident that through our collective efforts, our projects will continue to take shape, ultimately contributing to a more educated society where technology is seen as a tool to empower people when approached strategically and ethically.
Best of luck!
Very proud of you! 🥰
Que sea el principio de todo lo bueno que está por llegar!! Enhorabuena José Manuel!!
¡Felicidades, José Manuel!
All the best for your very ambitious plan! I am sure you will pull it off.
Acabo de venir yo de ahí, no hace ni 24h estaba yo conduciendo por Menlo Park, Stanford y Palo Alto (El Camino Real). Todo lo mejor para vuestro roadshow !!
Go for it José Manuel!!!
Regulación y Certificación de Modelos de IA Chief Product Officer at Zertia
2moZertia, bajo tu liderazgo visionario, va a marcar un antes y un después en la estandarización de la gobernanza de la IA acompañando a empresas y organizaciones en la adopción responsable de la inteligencia artificial, garantizando que operen bajo un marco legal sólido y en conformidad con las regulaciones más recientes. No solo eres un ejemplo para muchos, sino que también tengo el privilegio de acompañarte en este viaje hacia el éxito que sin duda ya estás alcanzando. Lo mejor esta por venir! #OrgulloDeHermano #ÉxitoCompartido #GobernanzaIA #Zertia