Physician Leader | AI in Healthcare | Neonatal Critical Care | Quality Improvement | Patient Safety | Co-Founder NeoMIND-AI and Clinical Leaders Group
Insightful article Our healthcare system does not support pediatric care as it should. Drs. Satyan Lakshminrusimha, David Lubarsky, @Rhae Gamber & @Sherin Devaskar nicely highlight the significant issues associated with the current state of #Pediatric #Healthcare, focusing on reimbursement which is a cause for many downstream issues. It is an article filled with solid and important information and a call to action. More than half of babies less than 34 weeks, the most fragile and care complex newborns, are covered by Medicaid across the U.S. There is disparity as more than half of Black, Hispanic, native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, American Indian, Alaskan native babies covered by Medicaid in the NICUs across the U.S.. Fee for service (FFS) is the most common form of reimbursement for providing NICU (many have rightfully so pointed out that this is a perverse payment model). In many cases FFS reimbursement rates do not cover the cost of an NICU hospitalization and are below payment rates for comparable Medicare services. The authors highlight the impact that low reimbursement for nonprocedural, cognitive-based specialties is having on Pediatric subspecialty access-- a trend that appears to be worsening with recent data demonstrating a decrease in residents matching in various pediatric subspecialties. For the recent pediatric subspecialty match in 2023, there were unfilled fellowship positions. 56% genetics, 47% nephrology, 52% ID (among many others) slots were unfilled. That is an alarming percent for specialties that fill a very necessary role if we are to provide the best care possible to newborns and children. I do disagree with one of their statements that "supply-demand will increase pediatric subspecialty salaries over time." I do not think that physician salaries lies within a truly competitive market that would follow the laws of supply and demand. We also need to be aware of the fact that Pediatric care access, both inpatient & outpatient, is decreasing over the past decade and really accelerated during the Pandemic when many Pediatric beds were converted to adult beds which have not transitioned back because more $ can be made from a adult occupying a bed than a child. Many community hospitals have closed their small, but important Pediatric units. Rural & critical access hospitals have closed with many teetering. Access to Pediatric primary care is becoming more limited, especially in those unfortunate patients with Medicaid coverage (which is a majority)-- creating widening and disheartening Pediatric Care deserts across the U.S. Their take-home message: "Increased Medicaid reimbursement is critical to the sustainability of high-quality pediatric subspecialty workforce that is family-centered, timely, effective, efficient, equitable." #UsingWhatWeHaveBetter
Medicaid is failing primary care for sure.. at least hospitals get facility fees and supplemental payments to offset the differences... I would love to see a complete profit and loss of a NICU. The dollars and margins have to be substantial. More payment to the "providers" would make far more sense than more money to the hospitals and specialists for sure.
MEDICARE DOES NOT PAY FOR LONG TERM CARE Co-Founder of 65andMe LLC - Dedicated to Medicare and the sociology of aging policy and services.
2moNo Medicare for Peds