I help self funded employers cut their orthopedic spend in half by eliminating inappropriate healthcare. Marketing, sales & CS advisor. Lifelong learner.
Our compassion score is 9.83/10. Why do we measure compassion as a primary KPI? Doesn’t that all seem a little…fluff? Compassion isn’t just about feeling another person’s suffering. It must be accompanied by a strong desire to help the person that is suffering. Wouldn’t you want that from your medical provider? I can remember vividly the times I felt compassionate care and also when I felt disrespected or unheard. I remember going in after my second child. I was not myself, and I needed help. The outside world would have never known…photo is from this time in my life. I was scared to share what I was feeling and as the working parent, I couldn’t let it get in the way of my job. Dr. Elizabeth Mann (she’s really the only doctor whose name I remember except the OB who delivered my children) took at least 20 minutes to ask me questions, relate to me, talk me through what could be going on in my body and empathize for the position I was in. Her compassion made all the difference in my experience. I left with an ounce of hope - something I didn’t have when I went in. In the traditional healthcare system, providers don’t always have this time. But time is what is desperately needed to show compassion. Not just time with the patient but time for providers to rest. They carry the weight of their compassion. In a virtual setting like our providers work in, compassion has to remain high because we are already at a disadvantage for building connection. But the virtual setting also gives us time advantages. More time to prep for appointments, for providers to take breaks, etc. As we scale, we are committed to maintaining a high compassion score. And I am very proud to work towards that goal.
I founded Aware Health to empower employers to help their workforce and their families live resilient, pain-free lives while significantly cutting down healthcare claim costs.
10moIt’s like we as providers need to model self love so our clients will learn the same. 💕 When we visit sites ocassionally in person after only being virtual friends/partners, there are lots of hugs 🤗