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3 Red Flags Of ERP Project Failure When I look back at what causes ERP and IT Project failures, here are 3 red flags 🚩 to look out for: 1) Lack of detailed, integrated project schedule. 📆 Planning matters. The ERP delivery schedule must be meticulously planned out and include data migration, downstream systems, integrations, reporting, and all the vendors and system integrators. Without a clear roadmap, your ERP project will lack clear direction. 2) Unclear roles, responsibilities, and expectations. 🤼Clarity is king. Not knowing exactly who does what will lead to confusion and inefficient ERP project delivery. Make sure you have the right people in the right roles and review regularly. Including a single person leading and accountable for the project. Flexibility is key, be ready to reshuffle roles as your project progresses. 3) Allowing the system integrator to run the project. ⛰You need to lead the charge. System integrators are key to successful ERP project delivery but organizations must maintain control, leadership and align decisions with their business objectives. 👉 What sets off your ERP project alarm bells? 🚩 Share your red flags in the comments below. 🛫Follow me for insights on getting technology to work for you, save you time and grow your business. #Innovation #TechLeadersAcademy #GrowYourPMIncome