Johnny Moon’s Post

The Real Reason People Avoid Grounds Maintenance Let's cover the more recent Grounds Maintenance job I had. 2 crews, building cleanup and grass cutting/ball fields. Started on cleanup. Mostly cleaning toilets and taking out trash, but included events setup and replacing ceiling tile. There were a few problems with the supervisor. He liked to talk way too much. Treated work like High Intensity Interval Training, which he compared it to. Rush through and stand around talking. Never mind if somebody had an injury, hurry up and get done so he could have a captive audience. Pushed repairs off on somebody else. Had no mechanical aptitude, afraid of electricity, did insane things like keep battery powered drills locked away in a work cabinet and use screwdrivers instead because the drills might get damaged. Paranoid, delusional, with deep insecurity. Also talked trash about Trump voters every opportunity, til he remembered I am one and he'd shut up. He was out for over a month and I did what was a 2 man job by myself because I pace myself, don't waste effort with unnecessary rushing, and am efficient. That'll be relevant shortly. When he came back I transferred to the lawnmower crew. You'd think cutting grass and chalking ball fields would be an easy enough job. But we'd pull up to a park to cut grass and they'd all rush off to the open dry areas and leave me with the swampy stuff where I had to walk through the mud with a weed eater, and then complain that I was “slow”. I was amused that the Grounds boss would threaten THEM for being slow because he could chalk the fields in a fraction of the time by himself. Big scary viking of a man with wild eyes. I liked him. The lawnmower crew supervisor was decent, but I got stuck with the other guy. Previously Parks was divided into smaller departments and he used to be head of his own but had effectively been demoted, below supervisor. And he was bitter about it. He'd argue with the supervisor and say he didn't know what he was doing. He'd give me some intentionally vague instruction and wander off. Wouldn't be clear like “cut this area”. Instead it was “cut the ditch” and then tell me I was supposed to cut only from the bottom of the ditch to the edge of the road, not the whole ditch, which didn't make any sense at all. He'd intentionally trip me up so he'd have a chance to complain. Now I understood why the 4 young guys had suddenly quit what I thought was an easy job. He found out I give what I get. He started complaining that it was tiring coming to work knowing that someone was going to insult and argue with him. Pot meet kettle. Dish it out but couldn't take it. One day he got openly hostile and started calling me stupid. I'd had enough abuse. I texted the viking boss, slid my security card under his door, and left. Heard the guy had a HR meeting after that. I do not recommend working there till they get rid of the two troublemakers.

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