A balanced piece highlighting the need for options, and motivational recovery.
Wow. This journalistic piece by a good friend of mine who forged her own recovery pathway against the mainstream abstinence-only approach is incredibly powerful and worth reading! Note, however, that my friend chose to remain anonymous for this piece. We need to create a world where it is safer for individuals to share their unique journeys through the recovery process if we are going to work on reducing the human nature of bias in the recovery world and within the general public. "Now is the time we must confront our approach to treatment and recovery. I hope we learn from the rest of the world that an all-or-nothing approach inevitably excludes the wide swath of middle-ground where most people hope to one day live moderately and responsibly. Most people do not imagine their ideal life to include casual heroin use; but most do imagine it including the indulgence of a New Year’s Eve toast or the fun of cold beer at summertime barbeques. That is possible, and there are many, including me, who are proof of it. But our stories are more difficult to tell, because they are more complicated and more specific. There is no meeting place for us to come together and say, 'Here we gather to confirm we all do it a little differently.' And so the story of recovery is left to those who work within a template." https://lnkd.in/e6HzSyJy