King Malal SAS’ Post

What Will Happen If You #Drink Too Much #GreenTea? — — — Anything in excess is bad for your health. Green Tea is no exception to this general rule. If you drink too much Green Tea, you expose yourself to cytotoxicity. It means that it will destroy your liver cells.  In the United States, 36 out of 216 cases of liver problems have been linked to heavy consumption of Green Tea. In animals, high levels of EGCG oxidise the DNA of the pancreas and liver and cause problems with blood sugar regulation.  3 causes have been identified as disadvantages of Green Tea consumption :  #Caffeine#Aluminium#Polyphenols#Pregnant women should not drink more than 2 cups of Green Tea a day, because caffeine increases the heart rate.  The aluminium contained in Green Tea also accumulates in the body and could aggravate kidney diseases, while polyphenols affect the biodisponibility of iron. 

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