As someone who started a recycling program in 7th grade cause my middle school didn’t have one and with Captain Planet as my idol, 🌎 this is a huge honor from the MRC #michiganrecyclingcoalition Michigan Recycling Coalition to acknowledge our efforts at Pingree Detroit to take “treasure” and turn it into more good stuff. I look forward to the day we no longer have a use for the word, “trash” because we’ve designed systems and products so everything becomes an input for something else. The MRC put my name on the award, but this honor belongs to our entire Pingree Detroit cooperative for our zero waste efforts, all the hustle, ingenuity, and hard work and to everyone who has supported us over the years. 24 tons of new automotive materials upcycled and diverted from landfill since 2015. Onwards and upwards! • Amazing work making these awards @architechural Salvage Warehouse - who also makes all our upcycled wood Products. • #trash #zerowaste #sustainable #circulardesign #recycle