📢豪華海外スピーカー(元) 米Amazon John Rossman氏による基調講演『Leadership for Transformation and Big Bets in the Hyper-Digital Era』 なかなか聞けない海外講演者のリアルなお話が聞けるのも『CIO Japan Summit』の魅力です! 刺激的な講演内容、参加者との白熱のディスカッションに大いに盛り上がりました。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Thank you John Rossman for an outstanding keynote at the #CIOJapanSummit! Your experiences and insights on leadership were truly inspiring, offering practical strategies for taking bold steps in today's IT landscape. Thank you for the valuable wisdom you shared with our Summit!
Inspire Innovation; Establish Competitive Advantages; Lead Like a Champion.
2dFantastic discussion on transformation and reclaiming competitive advantages at the marcus evans Summits #CIOSummits in Tokyo.