💼 Remote Work: Balancing Flexibility and Visibility... 💡 My thoughts I once believed that remote work was the ultimate dream— Working from home, giving your best, and enjoying a perfect work-life balance. But I've come to understand the bittersweet reality of missing out on the energy and connection of being onsite and I know it's Natural human behavior, not in-sight have side effects... While remote work offers incredible flexibility but unfortunately sometimes people often overlook your consistent efforts and dedication and on the other hand even the smallest mistake gets magnified and noticed instantly, which no one even bothers at onsite work. It's a gentle heartbreak when your hard work isn't always visible. I'm not against remote work, but I've noticed some challenges, especially within larger companies. Miscommunication can easily arise, leading to misunderstandings, and it becomes harder to showcase your true skills and if you are an introvert nerd, then you are truely wasted my dear... :) So YES remote work offers great flexibility, enhances your work productivity, but my point is what to do with this great productivity when there is no one to notice and appreciate? #WednesdayThoughts #Motivation #LinkedInThoughts
While onsite work fosters direct interaction and immediate feedback, it often lacks the flexibility and work-life balance that remote work provides. Commuting and rigid schedules can reduce personal time and increase stress, potentially impacting overall well-being and productivity.
Web developer | BDR | Event Organizer | Fleet Dispatching | Lead Generation / Digital Marketing Specialist
6mono need of appreciation, only need 12 hours sleep ;)