MMA(Green Economy), BSC.Biomechanical and Processing Engineer | Research and Development Manager at Haco Industries Kenya Ltd | Programs & Products design & development | Business Development| Business Management
If milk goes bad, it becomes yogurt, a more valuable product. If it worsens, it turns into cheese, surpassing the value of both yogurt and milk. Similarly, when grape juice sours, it transforms into wine, a product even more valuable than the original juice. Remember, making mistakes doesn't make you bad; instead, they are experiences that enhance your value as a person. It's not practice that leads to perfection, but rather the mistakes we learn from that make us perfect. Embrace mistakes as opportunities for growth and improvement. #PersonalGrowth #ValueInMistakes #LearnFromMistakes #GrowthMindset
HR Professional | Recruitment | Performance Management | Learning and Development | HR Policies & Procedures| Labor Laws Compliance | Employee Relations | Industrial Relations | Employee Separation Process |
2moAs I was reading reading, I couldn't wait to get to the moral of the story. Well-built and executed. Every change can transform one into a meaningful outcome