Adopted! City Council has officially adopted Madison Height's new Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map! This represents the first true zoning overhaul in Madison Heights' history, and is the culmination of years of hard work from staff, our dedicated Planning Commissioners and City Council members, residents, business and property owners, and consultants. Our new Zoning Ordinance emphasizes clear and streamlined processes and user-friendly language to promote: ✔ Expanded housing options (duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, townhomes, accessory dwelling units, mixed-use projects). ✔ Form-based development in our 'City Center' district to create a walkable, vibrant downtown. ✔ Flexible mixed uses in our 'Mixed Use Innovation' districts to allow adaptive reuse of older industrial buildings on small parcels and the redevelopment of underutilized parking lots. ✔Flexible parking standards to reduce the burden of minimum parking standards and ensure that we don't create more of these underutilized parking lots. ✔Innovative zoning tools, such as Planned Unit Developments and conditional rezonings, to allow for truly unique projects that could not be accommodated in base zoning districts. ✔Design standards for specific uses to ensure quality developments. ✔ And more! The new Zoning Ordinance can be accessed on our Planning Services website: Time to hit the ground running!
Proud of you for making this happen! It’s nice to see a project come to fruition, even after I’ve been gone for so long.
Matt, Outstadning! Great job at helping Madison Heights keep moving forward.
Congratulations, Matthew!
Fantastic news!!
Great work!
Congrats Matt!!
Congrats Matt!
Facilities/Operations Management and Community Volunteer Work
4moThank you to all the contributors in this 6 year journey. Matthew Lonnerstater, AICP did a great job listening, communicating and guiding this to completion.