I got this nice message off a candidate last week and it got me thinking.
I hear so frequently about how rubbish some recruiters are. Clients get sent irrelevant resumes, candidates feel forced to take a job that they don't want.
Is the bar with recruiters so low that listening to someone's needs, makes a candidate feel special? As recruiters, our jobs are to problem solve. If you don't listen, how can you understand what their needs are?👂🏽
This goes for working with clients as well. You listen to understand your clients specialty (so you find the right people) and your clients needs. If they need a steel estimator and I send a mechanical estimator, have I listened?
AND MY BIGGEST PET HATE that recruiters do (for me anyway), is forcing. When placing people, it has to feel right for both parties. I'm a firm believer that the right person is out there for every job. I would much rather spend more time & effort into finding someone else and not force a candidate to take the job, so I can have a quick win... same goes for companies. I'm not going to force a company to work with me if the timings not right. I pride myself on my ability and I know at some point in time, they will need me and that's when I'll be there ✍🏽
I didn't do anything special here, I just did what I'm supposed to do...
2moI'm interested