When we specify and procure measurement devices we generally assume that they have been calibrated and tested to meet or exceed the specifications we've reviewed.
Some times we even require documentation to confirm this - a certificate of calibration.
While this is true most of the time, random quality, production, or transportation-related issues aside, how often to we consider when it might be appropriate to check and confirm these devices are staying within factory stated calibration or, at a minimum, our process specification?
In a production facility, this can get even more challenging as we operate with a more lean workforce. Some areas that get lost in the stack includes preventative maintenance or audits, which can include measurement device calibrations.
This blog post by WIKA Group's Hardy Orzikowski provides a quick dive into this topic and help us understand several times and opportunities we should be leveraging for device recalibrations.
If you would like help with your device calibrations, let AWC, Inc. be your partner to help ensure you maximize process safety, measurement confidence, and overall product quality.