minware reposted this
This is the reality of hiring in the age of AI. minware received more job applications in one hour referencing our "commitment to innovation" than can fit in a single screen shot.
So painful! I’m really happy to be working with a select group of job seeking phds so that I know where the quality actually lies
It's rather ironic that I studied to get a degree in Computer Science, ChatGPT came out 6 months later and totally flipped hiring on its head. I saw a Junior Tech Support job that required 9 freaking years of experience. It's insanity. Not to mention that the same job title is used for jobs that are very different from each other in requirements. It takes like a minimum of 30 minutes usually to tailor my resume/write a cover letter, and that's if I find a posting that matches my skillset - if I don't, add in all the time filtering through all the junk job postings to find a real one. Then I'm battling hundreds if not thousands of other people for the same job. There's gotta be a better way on both ends of this
What if we went back to having relationships? That worked really well once upon a time. It was harder, but it was really effective.
Kevin Borders what are your thoughts of just making applications a tight 5 minute video? That can be parsed by captioning and thus mined by key words. I feel like end of day video is the only way to combat AI generated applications/cover letters. From candidate's perspective it's already really hard for candidates to write a cover that really speaks to the role, it happens of course for like dream jobs , or amazing fit/match, but majority of jobs/roles not sure classify as those. I don't think tailoring a video to every application scales but it does seem like a video entry is going to be inevitable, generic video of candidate speaking to their past experience and accomplishments, and what they are looking for in a new or first opportunity.
This is not good for companies nor candidates. It’s a shame. By the way, your main page has an error. “They will get IN you in the right ballpark”.
I’ve decided to add in misspellings and bad grammar to my cover letters just to hint to recruiters that it isn’t AI generated. 😉
Lol, at least when I submitted my application to that position I actually wrote my own response and yes I did have AI double check it and used Grammarly as well.
That’s crazy! Is it easy to filter out these submissions?
Founder and CEO at minware
2moFor the record, we don’t talk about a commitment to innovation anywhere on our site or in our job descriptions.