Museums Galleries Scotland’s Post

📢 We're encouraging colleagues from Scotland's museums and galleries sector to take this survey from The Scottish Government to help shape a forthcoming review of how the wider culture sector is supported: Responses are sought from individual creative practitioners/freelancers and organisations. We will submit our own response to the survey but the more responses from our sector the better so please take the time to complete it. The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and is open until 31 January.   The questions relate to experiences of funding and what you think needs to change to best meet the needs of the sector. It is worth noting that in one question about funding sources, MGS is not listed but there is an 'Other' option for you to add our name, should you wish to. #scotlandsmuseums #scotlandheritage #scotlandculture #scotlandculturefunding

  • A long net of multicoloured wool curves down a stairwell at Dovecot Studios.

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