Support for Assembly Bill 2613
Yesterday, rare disease patients, caregivers, and supporters gathered at the California State Capitol in Sacramento to advocate for Assembly Bill 2613.
AB 2613 seeks to establish a Rare Disease Advisory Council (RDAC) within the state. If passed, this council would give a voice to the estimated 1 in 10 individuals living with a rare disease in California.
Rare diseases cover a broad spectrum of medical conditions. For patients with one of the over 10,000 known rare conditions, it can take several years to receive an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Only a few rare diseases are well understood, with most lacking sufficient attention and funding for research. This lack of awareness often contributes to the challenges in obtaining timely treatment and care faced by many rare disease patients.
By creating this council, California will join twenty-seven other states that have already enacted similar legislation to support their rare disease communities, demonstrating that an RDAC can be an invaluable resource.
A HUGE thank you to the National Organization for Rare Disorders for their continued efforts and for organizing a successful day. LFF was honored to be a part of it.
Thank you to all the supporters of this important bill. We will continue to keep everyone updated on its progress.
#lyme #lymefightfoundation #rare
Section Director_General Manager, Medical Screening Unit, Texas Public Health Laboratory, Texas
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