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🇷🇸 Na jučerašnjem događaju "Energetska tranzicija Srbije – Inovacije i Implementacija", koji je organizovala Wireless Media Group, Nacionalna Asocijacija za Autonomna i Električna Vozila (NAAEV) je imala čast da učestvuje u panelu posvećenom e-mobilnosti. Događaj je bio izvanredno organizovan, sa izuzetno kvalitetnim panelima koji su obuhvatili širok spektar tema – od obnovljivih izvora energije do nuklearne energije. Panel na kojem je učestvovala NAAEV, a koji je predstavio Dalibor Ignjatovic , bio je posebno značajan, jer je pružio uvid u trenutna dostignuća i buduće planove vezane za e-mobilnost u Srbiji. Diskusije su bile produktivne i inspirativne, a učesnici su imali priliku da razmene iskustva i ideje o izazovima i prilikama koje donosi energetska tranzicija.Ovaj događaj je još jednom potvrdio da Srbija ima velike potencijale u oblasti energetike i e-mobilnosti, te da uz prave inovacije i implementaciju možemo očekivati značajne pomake ka održivoj budućnosti. 🇬🇧 At yesterday's event "Energy Transition of Serbia – Innovations and Implementation," organized by Wireless Media Group, the National Association for Autonomous and Electric Vehicles (NAAEV) had the honor of participating in a panel dedicated to e-mobility. The event was exceptionally well-organized, with high-quality panels covering a wide range of topics – from renewable energy sources to nuclear energy. The panel in which NAAEV participated, represented by Dalibor Ignjatovic , was particularly significant as it provided insight into the current achievements and future plans related to e-mobility in Serbia. The discussions were productive and inspiring, and participants had the opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas about the challenges and opportunities brought by the energy transition.This event once again confirmed that Serbia has great potential in the field of energy and e-mobility, and that with the right innovations and implementation, we can expect significant progress towards a sustainable future. #energy #energytransition #nuclear #renewableenergy #emobility #futuremobility #mobility #serbia #innovation