PARTNER POST 🌟 Take the next step in your career with a USI VET transcript! 🔒 It’s government verified and it doesn’t cost a thing. Download it from your Unique Student Identifier (USI) account, and share it with employers to showcase your skills and secure credit transfers. 👉 Visit - VET transcripts | Unique Student Identifier ( to discover your USI VET transcript today!
National Careers Week Australia’s Post
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"Hey everyone, 🤗 now that the CA exams are over, it's a crucial time to reflect on our personal and professional development. While job opportunities and audit assignments may seem enticing, let's not forget the importance of continuous learning and diversifying our income sources. 👉🏻 here are the few things that you should replace into your daily life:- 1] Consider investing some time in learning new skills or exploring entrepreneurial ventures that could supplement your income and offer long-term growth opportunities. 2] Whether it's honing your expertise in a particular niche, starting a side business, or exploring freelance opportunities, there are countless ways to leverage our skills and knowledge beyond traditional employment. 3] Let's empower ourselves to build fulfilling careers that not only offer financial stability but also personal fulfillment and growth. Remember, investing in ourselves is the best investment we can make!" 4] dear all students you can earn money easily under the following websites:- A], B] Assignment Solver, C], D] Content Writing, E] Start studying again who are not confident about the result, F] hangout with your friends just a few days not more 😁 ,G] Monthly article paid writing, F] Invest your free time to learn new skills. Stay Connected Be Yourself, Love yourself ❤️
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The B of bang This saying has always resonated with me since I watched a TV documentary with Linford Christie who said that as a 100m sprinter, you had to go on the B of bang, rather than going on the Bang itself. If you go on the bang, you’ve lost almost before you start. This way of thinking can be applied to many aspects of life and is something that I am always ‘banging’ on about to those that attend an Argus Europe LIMITED CP course. For a student, their post course preparation should not start after the course because at that point it may well be too late to take advantage of a fastball. We are blessed, Close Protection courses attract motivated people; in our experience, students attending a Close Protection course have thought long and hard about doing so, so the thought process behind the B of bang is not lost on most. For me, the starting point in being ready for anything, is the CV. We speak with all students about CVs, putting personal preference aside, we talk about the need for a well laid out, easy to read CV that does you justice. One that puts you in a good light but at the same time does not make you appear to be more than the sum of your parts, for example, use of the word expert should be used with great caution. Experience of, experienced in, knowledge of or a deep understanding may be much be more representative of you and your experience and less likely to attract unwanted scrutiny during an interview. If you are an expert then ensure that you can live up to the expectations that you have created. This session, like all of our industry orientation sessions, are discussion based. There are always people in the room who bring much to these conversations based on their past experiences and current role. I only talk about what I know and invite others into the conversation to share their own experiences for the benefit of the everyone. Be ready to go on the B of bang or opportunities will go elsewhere. It is that simple. Our next Close Protection course starts in January 2025. We run CP Top-Up course each month with ☎️ 07388 828 329 📮
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RPL is hot at the moment with the comments about a lack of skills in the work force. Our system, Prickly2sweet now can review evidence provided for an RPL to assist assessors locate gaps for additional assessment. It doesn't make the judgement for Assessors, it assists in the alignment of evidence with unit/s quicker, easier and more accurately - FOCUSING on STUDENT experience. Want to know more? Connect, DM and follow for more information - click the BELL
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Thanks to Jobs and Skills Australia’s Commissioner, Professor Barney Glover AO, Executive Director, David Turvey, and their team for delivering a great report highlighting excellent outcomes for VET graduates. The report also reinforces what we’ve long known: career and transition support for young people, particularly those facing disadvantage, while they are still at school, is essential for their future success. Yet, in many schools, the depth and quality of support available often don’t meet the demands of today’s rapidly changing, uncertain economy. This is especially true in schools which have fewer resources and community networks to call on. High school careers advisors do an incredible job, but it’s not just about more advisors. What’s needed is a more tailored, long-term approach that helps young people better understand the wide range of post-school study and work options available to them. As we look ahead, it’s crucial that we equip every student – regardless of their background – with the guidance and opportunities they need to thrive when they move from high school to further education, training, or work.
Positive outcomes for VET graduates – our latest VNDA data
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Today’s @HeraldScotland explains the support you get from the Results Helpline when it opens from 6 August to give advice on SQA results. Also tips on supporting young people with their results.
Exams helpline will help relate results to successful career options
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Our second post on the AMCAS W&A section will provide you with the insight you need to get started. Check it out at the link below. #premed #futureMD #AMCAS #medschoolapplication #medschooladmissions #applypoint
Your Work & Activities Section: Where to Begin — Apply Point Admissions Consulting
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Enrollment is now open
Global CT Institute on Instagram
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In honor of the AMCAS 2025 application opening up this week, we've created a blog series on the Work & Activities section. Our first post is available at the link below. #MedSchoolAdmissions #MedSchoolApplication #FutureMD #Premed #applypoint
Your Work & Activities Section: Before You Start — Apply Point Admissions Consulting
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Check out Mark Stevenson and Aaron Fletcher's tutorial at Search Solutions 2024 next week! They'll be looking at how "Technology Assisted Review" can help with the development of systematic reviews, legal discovery, and content moderation.
Do you need to find information within large collections of documents? Technology Assisted Review (TAR) could help you! If you want to find out more about TAR, Aaron Fletcher and I will be giving a tutorial at this year's Search Solutions 2024 on the afternoon of the 26th of November. We'll look at how Technology Assisted Review can help with the development of systematic reviews, legal discovery and content moderation. We'll cover approaches for prioritising documents for review and deciding when to stop examining documents. The tutorial will go from basic concepts to the latest developments.
Search Solutions 2024: Tutorials
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OEHS students, early career, and advanced practitioners: Learn about the “Improving Exposure Judgments” initiative. Discover how you can access FREE classes, statistical tools, and resources needed to improve the accuracy of your exposure judgments.
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Career Practitioner | CDAA SA Division President & Professional Member I Transition Player Development Manager | Owner 'Ready 4 When' I Mental Health First Aider | Average Drone Pilot
8moThis is a very useful way to keep track of your VET courses, and would be important to keep, and be ready to share when needed.