As the calendar year comes to a close, OJCF kindly asks you to submit all grant requests by December 20, 2023. Grant requests received before this date will be distributed around the end of the year. Grant requests distributed after this date will be distributed in the next grant cycle. However, we can notify grant recipients to expect your donation. Please feel free to contact OJCF at 503-248-9328 or by email at if you would like us to assist with this. #ojcf #portlandoregon #pdxoregon #portlandor #rosecity #pdx101 #portlandnonprofit #pdxnonprofit #endofyeargiving #taxplanning #financialplanning #taxtips #yearendgiving #jewishcommunity #jewish #taxtips101 #taxtips #taxadvice #donatetoday #donatenow #donatetothecommunity #donatetoyourcommunity #bye2023 #yearending #taxadvantage #taxadvantages #jewishpeople #jewishlife