IWCF - WEll Control
Paritosh Sethi’s Post
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Just completed the IWCF Level 1 Well Control course! Feeling confident in my understanding of wellbore pressure control and how to prevent well control incidents. Who else is committed to well safety in the industry? #LearningAndDevelopment #OilAndGas
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Stay in Control - Don't Forget To IWCF Renew! 🌟 Your IWCF Drilling Well Control/Well Intervention Pressure Control Level 3 & 4 accreditation is due for renewal every 2 years. While we all know IWCF requires you to refresh your skills & knowledge - so you can continue working at the highest standard - its a good idea to get yourself organised in plenty of time! Re-experience the Harness difference with our delivery of this training, incredible trainers plus state-of-the-art facilities. Who knows, you could even bag yourself a ‘Harness Honour’ too, if you earn a pass rate of 90% or over on each assessment! 🏆 Discover the next available dates here - IWCF Drilling Well Control Level 3 & 4: IWCF Drilling Well Intervention Pressure Control Level 3 & 4: #RealisingPotential #Harness #IWCF #Renewal #TrainingRefresh
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IWCF Well Control Level 1 Certificate
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Stay in Control - Don't Forget To IWCF Renew! 🌟 Your IWCF Drilling Well Control/Well Intervention Pressure Control Level 3 & 4 accreditation is due for renewal every 2 years. While we all know IWCF requires you to refresh your skills & knowledge - so you can continue working at the highest standard - its a good idea to get yourself organised in plenty of time! Re-experience the Harness difference with our delivery of this training, incredible trainers plus state-of-the-art facilities. Who knows, you could even bag yourself a ‘Harness Honour’ too, if you earn a pass rate of 90% or over on each assessment! 🏆 Discover the next available dates here - IWCF Drilling Well Control Level 3 & 4: IWCF Drilling Well Intervention Pressure Control Level 3 & 4: #RealisingPotential #Harness #IWCF #Renewal #TrainingRefresh
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SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS & VIEWS ON IWCF / IADC COURSE CONTENT How good are we and How much useful after passing IWCF or IADC well control course. Are we getting sufficient time to practice simulator ? Is the IWCF or IADC well control courses naratingv recent past Well control incidents major or minor ? Does the course really focus on why the well control incidents happened even after having certified crew and supervisors on the rig . When trip tank is used to monitor during trips why we need to stress our self to calculate how many stands to pull under wet or dry conditions. Kill mud weight to be maintained without any safety margin ? Does the industry following this ? I don't think so ? What will happen the pressures DP and Casing pressures in case kill mud weight is more than actual requirement. Industry is going on mad rush for IWCF or IADC certification but not focusing what is missing Share your thoughts and views
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I am thrilled to share that I have successfully completed the IWCF Level 1 Well Control Programme (English) offered by International Well Control Forum . This in-depth course, consisting of six modules, has significantly enriched my understanding of essential well control principles, The course covered the following modules: 1. Understand the fundamental principles of well control and blowout prevention. 2. Identify and explain the functions of well control equipment. 3. Describe primary and secondary well control methods. 4. Recognize the signs of a kick and understand initial kick control actions. 5. Understand the basics of blowout prevention and emergency response. 6. Understand the fundaments of Crew Resource Management.
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Exciting News ! It's been a while but I wanted to share that I have successfully completed " IWCF PREPARATION LEVEL 2 " This comprehensive program, hosted by the SkillsSer, covering a wide range of essential topics and standards: - Types of well pressure's and there calculations. - Kick Causes. - Kick Indicator (Primary & Secondary) - Shut in Well Procedures (Soft, Hard, Fast) in details also the advantages and disadvantages for each type. - Shutting in Horizontal Well. - Kill Methods. - Kill sheet Calculation In Details. - Rig Equipment. - BOP Components. - BOP Test For Each Ram. - Run BOP Koomy Unit. - Wellhead Connections. The course included also deep explanation and subjects related to (IWCF Level 4) A big thanks to Mr. AHMED QASSIM for his excellent training and support. #IWCF_Level2and4 #Certification #Well_Intervention #Well_Completion #OilandGas.
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A well control preparation session for those taking the IWCF Level 3 certification for the first time, specifically targeting Derrickmen. The session was designed to enhance their theoretical knowledge and prepare them to successfully pass the well control Level 3 certification exam.
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