Litigation Leaders: Ben Brown of Cohen Milstein on What Makes the Firm ‘a Defendant’s Worst Nightmare’
The ALM Litigation Daily profiles Cohen Milstein’s managing partner, Ben Brown, on his #management style, the #mission of the firm, some of the firm’s biggest cases this past year, and what’s on the #trial docket for the remainder of 2024.
“Unlike most firms, Cohen Milstein is mission-driven. We embrace the role of the private attorney general and work to hold corporations accountable for misdeeds and overreach. It follows that attorneys attracted to Cohen Milstein are those who want to practice at the intersection of public interest and private enforcement,” Ben Brown states, as he describes the hallmarks of Cohen Milstein. “Thus, our firm is really a defendant’s worst nightmare—a deep bench of mission-driven superachievers who believe in their case and have become highly specialized to litigate precisely the type of case being litigated.”
#plaintiff #classaction #publicinterest #justice
Read the article here:
Civil litigation, product liability partner at Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP
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