In the last few weeks, #prefab has continually made the news. We saw #NSW Building Commissioner David Chandler OAM caution the Property Council of Australia that prefab for housing is not a panacea for the housing crisis. The following day, Building Ministers across the country agreed to work together to cut red tape and enable further expansion and growth in Australia’s #prefabricated and #modular construction industry. Then on Tuesday we had tone wheeler's 'Prefab or pre-drab' opinion piece to round things out (and it's well worth reading the subsequent comments to see that there is more and more understanding of what prefab is today!). Today, prefabAUS Executive Chair Damien Crough is in #Canberra, meeting with Minister Rebecca Vassarotti, Minister Yvette Berry and Australian Building Codes Board CEO Gary Rake to continue the move toward a regulatory environment that supports the prefab and modular building environment and considers the mistakes made in other jurisdictions. David Chandler is right, prefab is not a panacea for the #housingcrisis right now but prefabAUS and our partners are doing all we can to ensure that it is part of the solution and becomes a greater part of the #homebuilding industry in the future. That means maximising the potential benefits of #SmartBuilding and taking a strategy and a coordinated national framework to key decision makers in government, industry, unions and the research, education and training sectors. Learn more by downloading our #Roadmap to 2033 for Building the Future We Want below.
Well done, Damien Crough; keep up the good work. Prefab and new rooftop homes will help provide more homes where we need them.
Great work Damian and Emily.
Doing well Damien. Congratulations.
great work!
Executive Chairman at prefabAUS
7moThere is a lot to do and many amazing opportunities for Australia to reindustrialise to solve the current housing challenges now and into a sustainable future. We will get there by working together and that is the message I take away from my meetings in Canberra today.