Is your organisation prevention focused, or reactive, when it comes to people managment?
Culture, Leadership, and Mental Health | Professor of Psychology, TEDx Speaker, Advisory and Consulting
Prevention is better than cure: it has better outcomes and is cheaper Identifying a problem before it emerges demands insight, and taking action on it requires courage When it comes to prevention, we need to remember that false positives (doing something when we didn't need to) are usually less costly than false negatives (doing nothing when we should have). False positives will still have range of other beneficial outcomes, while false negatives not only fail to address the issue, but demonstrate a broader lack of care and concern. #mentalhealth #psychologicalsafety #psychosocialhazards Psychological Safety Australia
Senior Health Management Consultant/Coach at National Australia Bank - Nab
8moI love this graphic. Very simple to highlight the messaging. Thank you