As prescient as ever.
Randall Coleman’s Post
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A Leader Leads by Example, Not by Force (Sun Tzu)...America 🌎 you need 180.000 millions of Americans together behind one voice one idea one hope and apply a chemotherapy “a system herbicide” everything has to go from The FED 💱🤐💲to Wall street to morals politics arms industry bankers education📲 NASA and technology billionaires everything is rotten & congress senate police and health care the military from pentagon to generals to arms industry helpers. Once that done the new minds have to take over and function on honesty decency & integrity priority to intelligence. The problem is Idiocy the same problem that took place in ww2, now version 2024. today is ignorance is strength “divided to be conquered” war is peace “morals & propaganda” freedom is slavery “arrogance” When we know something or someone is evil, we can take steps to fight it. With stupidity, it is much more difficult. Dietrich Bonhoeffer argues that stupidity is worse than evil because stupidity can be manipulated and used by evil. He also argues that stupidity tends to go hand-in-hand with acquiring power — that is, being in power means we surrender our individual critical faculties. the way to guide & rule is by example not by force. A Leader Leads by Example, Not by Force (Sun Tzu)
The Calm Before The Storm
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Should be so much better known
Haley Bonar - "Last War" (Official Video)
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Essential Concept for ANY combat requires thinking at complex levels and the management of "emotion" in decision and evaluation
The Cobra Effect: Why Good Intentions Don’t Solve Problems - Konstantin Kisin
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Why do they lie
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"The #Technology Myth"-"well, there's no turning back now", "Thanks for watching, God bless, and I love you all!!!"!!!- but we are NOT "pinnacle", no, far from it, we are rather devolved, & all by design- 1812Project: -WHO truly believes Airships could possibly be more dangerous than airplanes, does anyone really believe bones could be "millions years old"- -that all these ornate Cathedrals are "only for worship", that Starforts, with such cymatic designs, are "just military", Lighthouses are "only for boats", Obelisks are "phallic-symbols", & why would anyone believe "dem Pyramids isa graves"- indoctrinations of delusions- Sungrazer: -all of humanity has been 'taken for a ride' off into 'stupidland', & IF you want to believe gold should have ever been made "illegal" or "too expensive" for electronics, copper's "outdated", mercury's "too toxic", radium to be "too radioactive",.. or for anyone to suggest "helium's rare", but then still allow to use it for "party-balloons", "I got a bridge to sell ya"- -what do you think,.. maybe we should return to reality, &- -remember- "bring back our lost Antiquitech, find the truths behind the myths"
The Washington Myth
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Title: “Unveiling the Shadows: The Quest for Global Freedom” Description: Dive into the depths of history and uncover the intricate web of control that has silently shaped our world. “Unveiling the Shadows: The Quest for Global Freedom” is a thought-provoking exploration of the forces that have long manipulated human destiny. Join us on a journey to understand the past, confront the present, and reclaim the future as we unravel the deceit and strive to set humanity free from the clutches of a hidden global network. #UnveilingTheShadows, #GlobalFreedom, #EndgameRevealed, #HistoricalControl, #EmpireToGlobalization, #AIConnection, #HumanHiveMind, #PerceptionManipulation, #CovidEra, #GlobalDeceit, #PsychopathsInPower, #UnleashTheLion, #OneHeartOneGoal, #FreedomRoar
HIGH ALERT! Something VERY strange is happening WORLDWIDE! “THE ENDGAME” DAVID ICKE (Edward Snowden)
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Extraordinary result requires extraordinary suffering, and there is a beauty in it, inspirational.
Beauty Is Suffering [Part 1 - The Mathematician]
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