Founding Principal at Pathways in Technology Early College High School 2011, Cahn Fellow 2012, Fordham University GSE 1st Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient 2019
You no longer need a college degree to work at these 7 companies Ethan Dodd Mar 25, 2023, 7:40 AM EDT Business Insider In 2016 International Business Machines Corporation coined the term "new collar" for positions seeking transferable skills instead of a bachelor's degree, which the company said in 2020 accounted for 15% of new hires and included roles like application developer, system administrator, software developer, and cyber security specialist. In 2021 IBM announced it had stripped bachelor's degree requirements for more than half of its US openings. To build a new collar pipeline, the tech firm developed its P-TECH program to help students in under-served communities develop practical technology skills and land a paid internship with IBM. #weareptech #skillsbuild #skillsfirst #skills2030 MDRC P-TECH 9-14 Evaluation New findings in this report indicate that the P-TECH model increased students' postsecondary degree completion, particularly for male students, and boosted internship and dual enrollment rates, even during the pandemic. LINK: PTECH Brooklyn HS Alumni Network NYC Department of Education The City University of New York City Tech, CUNY IBM iX The State University of New York New York State Education Department