realtime North America Inc.’s Post

First time in 40 Years: Following an incredible SAP Insider Event, I was pleasantly surprised to learn from SAP that I had won a Las Vegas Lego set. Growing up near Lego's headquarters in Billund, Denmark, I frequently visited the original Legoland theme park. I had countless Legos and created intricate projects until I outgrew them. However, winning this kit prompted me to revisit my childhood passion. For the first time in 40 years, I spent a Saturday morning building with my wife, who experienced it for the first time and enjoyed it. Interestingly, the process is akin to our software projects - envisioning, planning, and meticulously assembling various components until completion. I invite you to try it out if you've played with Legos before. Just grab a kit and build it with someone - you'll have a great time! I hope you enjoy the pictures and please share your favorite Lego experience and pictures! #ZeroTrust4SAP #MFA4SAP #2FA4SAP #CheckIDinSAP #SAP #bioLock #biometric #fraudprevention #accountability #S4HANA #Sales #SAPabap #sapbasis #sapbiometrics #sapbrazil #sapcommunity #sapdataintelligence #sapenthusiast #SAPERP #sapfico #sapfinance #sapfiori #sapGRC #saphana #saphr #sapimplementation #sapIndia #sapinnovation #sapjobs #saplearning #sapmm #sapnowbrasil #sappartners #sapphirenow #sappm #sappp #saps4hana #sapsd #sapsecurity #sapsolutions #sapteched #saptraining #sapPakistan #sapui5 #sapwm #secugen #securities #security #securityawareness #securitymanagement #sapcommunity #SAPIndonesia #SAPMalaysia #SAPSingapore #SAPphilippines #SAPVietnam #SAPIndia #s4hana #sapsecurity #SAPBASIS #sapconsultant #sapconsulting #sapanalytics #sapconsultants #saphiring #sapfi #mfa #2fa #multifactorauthentication #twofactorauthentication #SOX #SSO #startups #strategy  #SAPPartners #work #SAPSustainability #SAP4Good #sapphire2022 #sapphireorlando #zerotrust #zerotrustsecurity #zerotrustnetworkaccess #authorization #SAPAustralia #SAPExpert #SAPSapphireOrlando #SAPBTP #access #accesscontrol #accountability #asug #asug2019 #asugbestpractices #authentication #BigData #biometrics #business #businessanalyst #businessintelligence #ceo #ceos #cio #cios #ciso #compliance #complianceregulations #computer #computersecurity #computersoftware #ZSUG #AFSUG #cyberriskmanagement #sapukraine #cloud #growwithsap #sapbusinesstechnologyplatform #nationalsecurity #regulatorycompliance #RegTech #ComplianceTech #RiskAndCompliance #zerotrustsecurity #sapcommunity #sapinsider SAPinsider SAPinsider Finance Community

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