This is a reminder to cast your vote before the deadline on Friday, July 5th at 10:00 am EST. Vote ‘’YES’’ on all resolutions and participate in the creation of an Americas-focused intermediate gold producer. Should you have any questions or require further information regarding the voting process for your Reunion Gold (RGD) shares, please contact Reunion Gold’s strategic shareholder advisor and proxy solicitation agent, Kingsdale Advisors, at the following: 1-888-564-7333 (toll-free in North America) 1-416-623-2516 (collect call and text enabled outside North America) Email: . Additionally, shareholders can access all meeting materials from Reunion Gold’s voting microsite at
Good luck 🤞
Good luck!
Geo-environmental engineer, specializing in delineation/remediation of soil/groundwater/sediment impacts.
4moJaime Carrasco regularly opines: “buy right, sit tight”. 🤔😎