Interesting video about agile. The personal impression I got about Agile and similar methodologies is that they have one or two points, but then they degenerate when they are applied in a "dogmatic" way. In some cases I have the impression that they become an "eternal MVP" development approach: push out new features as fast as possible, without a preliminary "gran vision" planning which brings no added value to the customer, who sees only the features. This approach is quite short-sighted since, I was told, after few iterations your software is a messy patchwork of pieces of software glued by some hack to make them work together. [ I have been there (incrementally developed software) because it is how research-related software is born and grows: you do something simple to automate something, then you need to do something more, and more and more... and in the end your software is mishy mushy bowl of muesli code, fragile as egg shells. ] #devop #development #agile #scrum #scrummaster #excellence #software #pm #projectmanagement #software #quality
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A very interesting video about the state of current agile development environment. Something, which was called originally agile, has been changed to strict processes, excessive meetings, unmotivating work environment and failed planning and management practises. Perhaps we need to go back to well planned waterfall until we know how agile really should be implemented?
It’s time to move on from Agile Software Development (It's not working)
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Signal-Boost-of-the-Day (SCRUM Edition): As a PRODUCT (not Project) Manager I don't really have a dog in the fight over methodologies. I've designed, helped build, and deployed products big, small, and in-between using Agile and Waterfall both. However... Based on my direct observations over the past ((mumble)) years, I think this video makes excellent points about the way that many organizations use Agile wrong. And hey... let's be honest: before those companies were 'Agile shops'. I'd bet they were 'Waterfall groups' with the exact same problems, mainly way too many meetings, too much stress from busy-body middle managers, and extreme anxiety over endless meetings and measurements striving to 'boost efficiency'. Not, you know, *using the end product as the measure* like is supposed to happen. Good PRODUCT Management is also critical to both Agile-built and Waterfall-built products. A good Product Manager will (as the video recommends) design an ENTIRE PRODUCT, with well-reasoned, financially viable, prioritized features, then break down those features' build-out into Sprints. Devs will be able to look at the big picture at all times. They'll see the target everyone is aiming for. Definitely worth taking a look - enjoy:
It’s time to move on from Agile Software Development (It's not working)
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Those are provocative and delicate topics, but some that many companies with Agile projects struggle with. Ineffective and too numerous meetings and project managers that have no experience as a developer. So they lack street-cred and knowledge in a crucial are. And yes I have too often seen how they then try to rely on strict adhering to SCRUM or SAFe rules and focus on KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to manage the team instead of giving them practical guidance and useful inputs for their daily work. What are your experiences with this? How did you handle such problems or even solve them? Please let's discuss this in the comments. #agile #projectmanagement #scrum #safe #development
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Interesting video regarding the study of where many engineers pointed out that software projects adopting Agile practices are 268% more likely to fail than those that do not. Now as I have been interviewing, it has given me an inside look that it is very apparent that true agile is rarely practice and every place has their own version of what it means to be Agile. Could this account for the disparity instead of the blame on one actual methodology? Or maybe even companies choosing the wrong methodology for their teams. After all Agile was seen as a way to combat issues with Waterfall but again Waterfall methodology has been proven to work in the past and in some areas. So again, boils down to more in practice than actual methodologies in my opinion.
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Interesting take on Agile and Scrum. For me, the question is whether Agile (Scrum) is an unsuitable way of working or if it’s often executed poorly and thus unfairly blamed. I'm not trying to defend Agile or Scrum; I'm just trying to understand whether something truly fails when not done correctly or if differing interpretations within the company are causing issues. I always point out that we are using Agile (Scrum) with certain tweaks. I listen to people to understand what works, what doesn't, what distracts them, and what wastes their time without adding value. These insights lead to custom adjustments, which might work in one environment but not in another. The key is to find the right approach for the current setup. This should be the focus for engineering managers and Agile coaches—not enforcing rigid rules, but finding a balance between productivity and team happiness. What has been your experience? Which variations of Agile (Scrum) have you tried, and have you experimented with any methodologies besides Agile (Scrum)? #Agile #Scrum #ProjectManagement #AgileCoaching #Productivity #TeamHappiness #WorkLifeBalance #EngineeringManagement #CustomAdjustments #AgileVariations #WorkplaceEfficiency #TeamSuccess #AgilePractices #AgileMethodologies
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What is Agile Software Development? Agile software development is more than frameworks such as Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming, or Feature-Driven Development (FDD). Agile software development is more than practices such as pair programming, test-driven development, stand-ups, sprint planning, and sprints. Agile software development is an umbrella term for a set of frameworks and practices based on the values and principles expressed in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development and the 12 Principles behind it. #Agile #Scrum #Kanban #SoftwareEngineering
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Came across this video recently. It's makes some good points about Agile when done poorly. This seems to be a problem in NZ as well and I think contributes to resistance to use it sometimes, or results in it not being used well. Anyone else experienced this?
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Is Agile Project Management dying? Coding with Dee does a great job of describing what's wrong with Agile. My takeaway? Agile shouldn't be about more meetings, it should be about more effective communication. Agile shouldn't be about micromanagement, it should be about execution. For many companies and projects, a blended approach could be more appropriate than a dedicated agile project. A great PM will enable their teams to work while enabling all stakeholders to be appropriately informed. I love this video (bonus points for Def Leppard!) :
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Did you start to ship software, or are you still doing SAFe? This excellent video does a good job explaining what a destructive force agile becomes when companies implement it suboptimal. Don't get me wrong—I am all for Agile. But I have seen it too often implemented in a way that reduces productivity to a level so nothing works anymore. The question is, why do process people often refuse to hear the voices explaining the problem but follow their handbook from a 3-day course religiously? And why do companies let such destructive and expensive playbooks dictate the rules for software production? I have theories about that, but that will come another time. For now, enjoy the video.
It’s time to move on from Agile Software Development (It's not working)
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I don't think agile is useless, but it has been turned down by the businesses by their way of applications. Also I'd prefer an agile-waterfall hybrid for commercial software development. #agile #software #development #waterfall #methodology
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