The Blended Capital Group - ESG, Governance, Strategy and Finance Integration Leadership Focused on Impact Delivery
#gold prices are at all time highs. There are close to 20 million artisanal gold miners working in 80+ countries, generating 20% of global gold supply. Including their families, 100 million people are fully supported by #asm gold mining. ASM gold is diverse, reflecting local socio-economic realities in different places where it happens. All too often though, there are sad realities that include poverty, vulnerability to corruption, mercury contamination and human rights abuses. The sector is largely informal, but formalization could deliver game changing impacts on both the dignity and productivity of work. Formalization is commercially realistic, true even when prices of gold are lower, but even more so given today's prices. A post of mine from about a month ago, which includes an illuminem article, shares more about how formalization delivers game changing value as well as impact. #mininginvestment #sustainabledevelopment #humanrights #impact #sdgs #responsiblemining #sustainablemining
If only there was a way that those that do the hard work on mining this gold actually get the mark ups and benefits and not the traders and speculators and worse in London and elsewhere. The money spent by the gold industry on conferences, flights, analysts, legal defence funds (ahem!), promotional films and videos (ahem any Hollywood types doing promo videos for the gold industry) is in the millions...imagine if that was spent on finding solutions - oh how about artisnal miners having the ability to know what the LBMA price was daily - out in the bush.....we can but dream...
The Blended Capital Group - ESG, Governance, Strategy and Finance Integration Leadership Focused on Impact Delivery
10moPaul Clements-Hunt Michael Marais Patrick Schein Marcin Piersiak Estelle Levin-Nally CDir Dip IoD Rachel Brass Stacy Hope, Ph.D John Howchin David Livingstone bomoi abdulmajid Cedric Lombard Diana Culillas Swiss Better Gold Association Melchior de Muralt Marcio Brandão Michael Proulx World Gold Council Rohitesh Dhawan Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Aimee Boulanger Assheton Stewart Carter Andrew Britton Liz Lappin