Sleep is essential for our health, especially brain health! According to recent studies, sleep disruptions in your 30s and 40s can have long-term effects on cognitive abilities. So, it's never too early to establish solid sleep habits. Don't believe me? Just ask my mom, who I used to debate with about the importance of sleep but now we just discuss how challenging it is to consistently sleep as an older adult. Check out this article for more information on the topic. #SleepHealth #BrainHealth #HealthyHabits
Sometimes it gets so crazy you can’t remember if you got any sleep😎
So important, yet still such a challenge to overcome. Great insight Rob Liebreich, thanks for sharing!
Co-Founder & COO, Senior Source Consulting Group - Senior Living Sales & Marketing Solutions
10momagnesium glycinate Generally, magnesium glycinate is recognized as the best form of magnesium to help with sleep because it's easy for the body to absorb. Though the effects of magnesium on sleep are not completely known or understood, some believe that its effects on muscle contraction and nervous system regulation help improve sleep. Dec 18, 2023,system%20regulation%20help%20improve%20sleep.