Ricky Willianto’s Post

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Growth through Bespoke Market Intelligence and Corporate Transformation Services 🇸🇬 | Building Products for the Future of Work 🧠 | I'm Hiring 📣

Venture building is a long game. 🛣️ It took Int Labs and OCBC Indonesia at least two years to conceptualise, prototype, pivot, and finally launch an edutech project in the Indonesia market. Throughout this process, these are just some key things we learned about building a new venture within a large corporate: 1. Stakeholder alignment is key ⭐️ Building a new venture challenges the DNA of a large organisation that "tends" towards BAU activities. A new venture requires complete rethinking of the kinds of value proposition we can create, team capabilities, and also ways of working. This requires real commitment from all levels in the organisation. We were grateful that in this project, we had the continuous support of the CEO of the bank, Bu Parwati Surjaudaja all the way to the committee supporting the enablement of our ideas Bu Julie Anwar, Bu Chinni, Pak Komang, Pak Amran, and also Bu Audrie. This gave the working team the psychological safety and confidence they need in taking risks and trying truly new things. 🙏🏼 Rarely did we have a chance to see the entire chain of the organisation so committed to a new venture such as this, and we believe this played a huge part to the project's success. 2. Perseverance and determination 🏃🏻 Ideas are cheap. Ultimately, the team with the best implementation wins. We had to work extremely hard, especially at the beginning, to determine the right direction and solutions to build. We ran experiments after experiments to validate our theses, and ran into dead ends many times. Ultimately, the team figured out a formula that worked and we doubled down. Huge shout out to the working team Sekar, Felia, Anandra, Dwi Intan, Jhuan for their relentless belief in the team and our vision. I believe there were literal sweat and tears in making this idea a reality, and our team at Int Labs could not be prouder of them. 🫶 3. Continuous learning 🧠 Failure is part and parcel of developing a new venture. You need more than just hard work to find that one idea that will click. Every failure is a data point that we used to inform us on our approach. We dissected each and every one of them to generate new insights. 🧐 We continuously invested in learning new skills (from marketing, to slide building, to prototyping and testing), and we were also adjust how we work as a team (especially in relation to the larger entity of a bank). This helped us iterate not just on our ideas, but on our selves and capabilities to become a "better fit" towards the problem we were trying to solve. --- I am extremely excited to see the results the team managed to achieve after all these years. Quick shoutout to the Int Labs team that made this possible: Connar, Adi, Nico, and Dimas. Congratulations to everyone involved in this project. We have achieved something truly amazing. 🫶

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Cindy Clarissa Adriaan

Empowering Tech Leaders & Their Teams - both the Disruptors and Disrupted in South-East Asia today make the right tech decisions at the right time


So excited to see what you've birthed! 😄

Anandra Putranto

Senior Manager @ OCBC Indonesia | Premier Banking Business Development


Always a pleasure to work with you Ricky!

Edwin Koh 许胜杰

Tech HR, Talent & Organisation Development ◽️ MCIPD ◽️ LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® ◽️ Insights® Discovery ◽️ Certified Coach


Great stuff Ricky Willianto!

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